Mom of 3 Angie Seth is: ‘Newsmomma’


angie_seth-458x800Angie Seth is the lead News Anchor for OMNI News South Asian Edition, where she delivers stories on everything from local, national, international news, sports and entertainment, to politics, humanitarian issues and national security.

Over the years, Angie has had the opportunity to interview some of the most interesting and intriguing guests, from the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephane Dion, Jack Layton, Ontario’s Premier, Dalton McGuinty, to murdered journalist Daniel Pearl’s father, Judea Pearl, and award-winning director Deepa Mehta, and Juno winner Kiran Ahluwalia.


Angie was the lead reporter on the Sharia Law debate in Ontario, and the Air India Trial and Inquiry for a number of years. In 2007, Angie was given an Honorable mention for her two-part series on “The Muslim Veil”. And in 2008 she was given the CEMA (Canadian Ethnic Media Association) Award for her feature story on the Provincial Election and what kids have to say about it.
In October 2012, Angie was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for her work as a journalist and community supporter.

She is a strong advocate for women’s rights, children’s rights, the equality of women, and the fight against domestic violence and bullying. She has hosted a number of events, conducted interviews and produced feature pieces on these very topics.

Angie is a long distance runner. She’s participated in five marathons, including the Boston marathon in 1999. She is married and a mother of three beautiful children. angiefam

Welcome to her blog: “Newsmomma.”  It’s an inside look at her life raising three kids with varied needs and demands. From the teenage years to the toddler years, boys vs girls, maintaining cultural traditions and values in a dual cultural household, Angie will write about her experiences juggling her own ‘newsroom’ at home and solutions to keeping things sane in a sometimes very chaotic but also very happy household. Her motto is to laugh and dance as often as you can!

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