Woman’s Work: Empowering Women For Success


Woman’s Work – A New Start Up Empowering Women To Do Work They’ve Never Done Before

By Renu Chandarana

Do you live with someone (or know someone) who is handy around the house? A person who just knows how to do everything and gets the job done quickly and painlessly?  Is this person a man or a woman?   In my life, it’s usually a man – a father, brother or husband.

Renu Jain

Renu Jain Chandarana, Writer

While I live with a talented husband who can build, fix and “MacGyver,” he’s not always available to do the job and I know I would love to be able to do some of this DIY work myself!   This is so much easier when you’re running after two kids, but wouldn’t I be setting a better example if I were to do show my girls that I could do these things myself, and that they can too?

Jobs and tasks that are typically male dominated like minor car repairs, home repairs, or building projects shouldn’t be so daunting if one has the right resources. I’m not afraid of the power drill…I just need to be shown how to use it.

Enter Aarti Motala and her new business Woman’s Work. Aarti is creating short tutorial like videos where a female expert in a typically male dominated field is explaining how to get that job done. These women experts are passionate about empowering other women and showing them how it’s done.

Woman’s Work is about bringing pertinent information in a high quality format for women everywhere to learn from. If you’re like me, always looking for making things easier to understand, these videos will open you up to doing things you thought you’d never do – and then you can teach your kids things you thought you would never be able to teach them.


Aarti Motala

This clever business idea was planted in Aarti’s mind when she first attempted to paint a room on her own and didn’t know where to begin, “I searched for how-to videos online and I was only able to find male hosted videos.”

Aarti’s wheels started turning and her last year has been rather inspiring as she has turned that small seed in her mind into unique business that is so valuable to our society. She envisioned a place online where any woman could go with confidence to find a video that will help them accomplish a goal on their own, with confidence.

“With Woman’s Work I want to capture the feeling of accomplishing something that you didn’t expect yourself to know how to do, it’s the feeling of excitement and empowerment all rolled up into one. My goal for Woman’s Work is to bring that feeling of success to people every day by being a platform where their thirst for knowledge can be quenched,”  says Aarti.

I can really see myself accessing this resource online to get things done myself, it’s definitely empowering but it also just more efficient to learn to do something yourself, rather than relying on someone else’s time and your money to do it.

Aarti Motala, Founder

Aarti Motala, Founder, Woman’s Work

Aarti has all the plans started for her business Woman’s Work and has recently launched an Indigogo campaign to get the funds she needs to make this all a reality. You can view one of her how to videos on “Car Maintenance 101 – All About Auto Fluids” as well as see a breakdown on where your funds would go when you donate to her initial start up investment.

Woman’s Work hopes to raise $15 000 in order to build on video production, marketing and promotions as well as their online presence. Supporters can help reach this goal by visiting the Woman’s Work IndieGoGo page to donate and to view special rewards as a thank you for your help. One of these rewards is The Woman’s Work Workbook: A Guide to Learning Something New, which leads the user through things such as brainstorming, setting goals, meeting deadlines and more.

Woman’s Work can be found at:
Facebook: facebook.com/wmnswork

Twitter: @wmnswork 

Instagram: @wmnswork

Website: womanswork.ca



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