Mom of All Trades: Blogging Motherhood

By Anjum Choudhry Nayyar

Anupama Vijayakumar, says blogging was a way to preserve little moments of her life as a mother and a woman.  Her blog, mom of all trades, is a rich stream of thoughts about motherhood.  Anupama is the mother of a seven-year-old Nachikaet and a freelance content writer who has roots in Kerala, India.

As the name suggests She says she uses her blog try  out all things related to “being mommy” and lives to write about it at well. Mom of all Trades is about the ‘spirit’ of mother hood, the lighter side of parenting and Anupama has already gained fame as one of the Best Blogs in India.

Currently she lives in Bangalore with her husband, son and “four hyperactive fishes”.

Here’s our interview with this mom of all trades, this month’s momblogger feature:


Why did you start blogging? what do you blog about and why?

On my son’s fourth birthday, while going through some baby pictures of his, I realized that other than photos which recorded his physical development, I had only vague recollections of how he was as a person, say when he was two years old. I wanted to look beyond the usual mile stones like the first word or first step and have a space filled with memories of our days together. I wanted to have a space where he can revisit his childhood, albeit through my eyes. It gives me a chance to share my little world with my family and friends who are scattered all over the globe and look forward to their comments and suggestions.

My blog is purely a personal blog and can be loosely described as a ‘mommy blog’. I consider blogging therapeutic; I am not addicted to it. I write about incidents or moments as I prefer to call them, which have in some way, touched me. Little slices of my life which I want to preserve.


What inspires you to write?

Through this blog I attempt to capture the spirit, of the wonderful journey called motherhood that I have embarked on. It is filled with a plethora of emotions and experiences and at every turn there is a surprise…some pleasant some unpleasant, but each one inspiring me, teaching me, prodding me , to be the best “me” I can be each day.

Every little comment, be it from a reader or my son, delights me in the knowledge that my writing has touched them enough to write back about it. This inspires me to carry my blog forward purely for pleasure. Another source of inspiration is the fact that my son who has recently ventured into the world of words enjoys reading posts about himself and reliving those moments.

Do you feel connected to the mom blogger community?

I am part of Indian mommy blogging communities like parent tree, Desimomz club etc. I enjoy connecting with other moms and learning from them. Although I am not part of any blogging communities from the west, I feel blogging communities like mommy bloggers have a common thread running through them as they deal with issues faced by mothers everywhere.


What role has social media played in your life?

Social media has helped me expose my writing to a wider audience. It has also given me an opportunity me to read about a plethora of ideas, information, opinions etc on a single topic and still find something to inspire me every single day.


What is the best part about blogging for you?

The best part of blogging for me is that it’s like a hobby I can share with the world. For me it’s like a little legacy of memories that I want to leave for my son.


You can follow Anupama on her blog:

On her Facebook page:!/pages/Mom-of-all-trades/139252306157331









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