All posts by Anjum Nayyar

Mom’s Guide to Visiting the Orthodontist

By Anjum Choudhry Nayyar When your child’s teeth are out of line do  you panic and start looking for which side of the family to blame? Some of the most common problems in kids’ teeth can be overcrowding, over or underbites  and spacing. But deciding when to make that visit

A Bit of Hindi, a bit of A Capella, Makes Penn Masala a Hit

By Anjum Choudhry Nayyar Many of us love sharing videos and pictures over facebook and I’m no different. The minute I shared a video from Penn Masala of their song, Viva la Vida/Jashn-e-Bahara, the comments from my fellow moms started coming fast and furious. I think a lot us were

Where Are All the South Asian Mom Bloggers?

By Anjum Choudhry Nayyar For those of you masalamommas who blog out there, you’re part of a select crew. While there’s been an explosion of mom bloggers over the years, South Asian mom bloggers aren’t necessarily on the radar.   For many parents, the impulse to write about their parenting