Where Are All the South Asian Mom Bloggers?


By Anjum Choudhry Nayyar

For those of you masalamommas who blog out there, you’re part of a select crew. While there’s been an explosion of mom bloggers over the years, South Asian mom bloggers aren’t necessarily on the radar.


For many parents, the impulse to write about their parenting lives is a powerful one and some South Asian mom bloggers we spoke to say having a blog gives them an outlet for support, inspiration and the hope to connect with others just like them.

Some might say, that prior to marriage we may not have necessarily been part of a ‘group’ so to speak, but the minute we get married and have our first child, we immediately have something bigger in common. That is, a culture which is so intimately intertwined with the concept of family and the cultural expectations that go along with it.


“The most important thing I bring to light in my blogs and tweets is being a divorced single South Asian mom and domestic violence in the South Asian community,” said Hindu-Punjabi mom blogger known as v4Vaishali,    which has a growing twitter and facebook following. “I started to blog about the power of positivity and how it initially helped me out of a dark period in my life. I found that to be very therapeutic and decided to write more about my personal experiences, thoughts and feelings more as an outlet for myself more than anything.”

While many South Asian moms who blog feel the same, some say they don’t feel connected to the mommy blogger community as a whole.

“I notice that I have a large South Asian female following, which is great,” said Sheba Siddiqui, a mother of two and writes a personal blog called Sheba’s worldShe gives readers a glimpse into her world as a mother, daughter, television producer and reporter.

“I feel that by reading my blog, they connect with me, understand my pressures and stresses and know what it’s like to grow up as a first generation Indian-Canadian woman who is now handling the demands of being a wife and mother. On the other hand, I don’t personally know any other South Asian mommy bloggers. I know they’re out there but I haven’t met any in my own community.”

Some moms like Radika Kowtha says connecting to a community may not always be a priority.

“I have always considered myself to be a person, human being and a woman first. Mother, wife, student, daughter, friend were all roles one plays while being a person, human being or a woman or ma,” said Kowtha who blogs are called Tunneling Thru, Click and Cesmots. I did not intially crave to meet other moms, I was quite content just writing about everything I chose than just focusing it on my kids and their activities. Mommy bloggers are a huge very connected networked community and Ive always been on the fringe,not necessarily by design but it’s just the way I am. There are a few women bloggers I have struck a healthy wonderful relationship and only a couple of them are moms. It wasn’t the criteria. So in that regard, yes and no, but that’s just me.”



Siddiqui adds many South Asian women, including moms, aren’t necessarily encouraged to go public with their issues or concerns so blogging doesn’t come easy.



“Based on my observations, there seems to be a stigma in the South Asian community about speaking your mind and letting the world into the ups and downs of your life.  It’s like we should all pretend to be the roti making, chai drinking versions of June Cleaver. So when I come across a South Asian mommy blogger who is telling it like it is in her world – the good, the bad and the ugly – I admire her for her courage.”

Naya Weber, a mom living in Texas says she started blogging partially to provide that South Asian voice that was missing in the blogging community.

“I don’t know of many South Asian mommy bloggers,” said Weber, who writes about the importance of breastfeeding mixed with her passion for style on her blog, Lactivist in Louboutins. “The mommy bloggers I follow are Caucasian, African American, or a mix of different cultures. Part of why I started blogging was because many of the mommy bloggers I came across were stay-at-home moms. I knew when I got pregnant that that was not an option for me. I wanted to provide the point of view of a working mother and post about any South Asian related issues if and when they arose.”

Siddiqui says it’s these ‘issues’ that have a place in blogs written by moms in the community.

“I recently blogged about miscarriage and was surprised at the overwhelming amount of private messages, emails and anonymous comments that were posted on my blog from women who’ve endured such an experience. Now if we could only get to the point of bringing it out into the open and realize there is no shame in it. Even if no one responds to my blog postings, the fact that they are logging in or searching the Internet to read my blog makes me hope that it is having an impact.”

“I think society wants to hear from us and is intrigued by us but we’re too shy or feel like what we have say doesn’t hold as much value,” said Toronto-Area blogger Salima Jivraj, who writes a blog called halalfoodie.

Whether you’re a mom in India, or a mom living in Canada, UK, US or elsewhere, being a parent can be an isolating experience at first and blogging can provide a sense of feeling connected to someone else going through a similar cultural or parenting challenge. Maybe there’s someone who is two steps ahead of you in that same challenge and can give you another perspective.

We will be profiling a new South Asian Mom Blogger each month for the next few months as part of our ongoing series on South Asian mombloggers.    Stay tuned for our first profile right here on masalamommas.com!

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There are 15 comments

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    • Anjum

      thanks Reshma for your comments! we’re glad you’ve found us and we’re happy to have you! We’re amazed at how many South Asian mombloggers have been writing in and have such amazing stories and blogs!

      Anjum, editor

  1. amreen

    Thanks for sharing these other great blogs! I look forward to reading them and creating a stronger community of South Asian blogging moms!

    • Anjum

      so happy to have met you as well! thanks so much for leaving a comment, we’re happy to have you here. Anjum, editor for masalamommas.com

  2. Anjum

    that’s great! Thanks so much for taking the time Chantilly to be here! We will definitely check out that blog, a great community out there we hope to bring together at masalamommas!

  3. Roshni

    Thanks a lot to BlogHer for providing this link! I am now following you on Twitter too. I recently started blogging about life as an Indian in America. I am so glad to have found the masalamommas community!

    • Anjum

      So happy to see u here Roshni! Welcome and please send us your feedback. as well, we’re always looking for sasian mombloggers to feature in our series, so do get in touch!

  4. Aisha

    Hi there 🙂 I’ve been blogging for over 8 years now and am a South Asian blogger who writes about motherhood and life in general. I also feel this void when it comes to the South Asian voice in the blogosphere and I wonder why that is. There used to a lot more when I began 8 years ago but slowly people stopped over the years. Glad to know there are still other out there. 🙂

  5. aamna

    Hi! I’ve been mommy blogging for the last year or so. I’m from Karachi. It was really consoling reading this because every word rang true. Yes blogging is liberating and is such a wonderful and convenient forum for all that needs to be said. But I also feel its a v small community. I also want to read about and learn from experiences similar to mine but can’t find many South Asian with a parenting focus. Glad to have found this site


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