All posts by Masalamommas

Amar Seva Sangam: Caring for Special Needs Children

A world away but so close to home By: Anchel Krishna @AnchelK When you think of rural South India, what do you picture? Perhaps it’s lush green landscapes, oxen pulling carts, and villagers carrying crops on their heads as they kick up the dust on the roads as they walk.

Has My Illness Affected The Way I Parent?

By Soania Mathur @soaniamathur & online at: So another day has passed with my three creative daughters.  This one ended with a “spa experience” at home courtesy of my girls, a tradition usually reserved for special occasions -Mother’s Day and my birthday for example.  As they steady my hands

Letting Go When It Comes to Children

A refreshing perspective from two Indian mothers who feel they have managed to let go of their children – and how they did it. By Melanie Lobo  This article was originally published at:  Womens Web “There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots, the other