All posts by Masalamommas

ABC’s and 123’s of Vitamins

Sponsored by AdultEssentials and Ironkids By Deborah Lowther @kidsgummymum There is great debate on whether or not we need to take vitamins, but no argument about what vitamins we need to be taking in! The issue isn’t if we need vitamins, but if we are getting enough in the food

Commuting Moms: Driving Chevrolet

Finding a Happy Medium With Chevy Traverse By Salima Jivraj @halal_foodie & and online The look on my husband’s face when I proclaim to him I’m by buying a minivan is priceless. I think I age him a few years every time I say the “M” word. There’s nothing

I have a womb, breasts and brains. Now give me the freedom to make my choices

By Anupreet Sandhu Bhamra @SandhuBhamra & online at: This post was first published on Anupreet’s blog here.   Epidural or natural? Natural or elective? Breast or formula? Co-sleeping or crib? Lose the pounds before the stitches heal or let the kangaroo pouch be? Stay-at-home, go-back-to-work, or negotiate part-time week?