Planning a Road Trip: Kingston, Ontario

Road Trip sign with road background

Road trip before school lets out? We’re heading to Kingston!

As the weather warms up, sometimes you just want to pick up and go and get out of the city.  School may be out soon, but we’re gearing up for ‘recital’ and end of year performances with back-to-back weekends. So before the nutty season of recitals begins, we’re hoping to plan a short road trip to grab some family time and celebrate the weeks leading up to summer.

So when an opportunity to visit Kingston came up, we jumped at it. Just over two hours away, no passports or long lines necessary and just the open road.

When you think of Kingston, what do you think of? Just a pass through destination right? Actually in doing some research, I discovered some amazing facts about the city:

My son is 7-years-old and my daughter is 10. My son loves to help navigate our road trips and also loves to explore the outdoors while my daughter loves boats and tours. She also loves photography so finding places with some good scenery and action is key.


Some of the great places on my list to visit given their foodie and adventurous nature are:

1.Family Dinner at Harpers Burger Bar

2. Fort Henry

3. Family lunch at Battery Bistro – Kingston’s largest waterfront patio-deck!

4. Improbable Escapes – Live action escape room!

5. Museums

6. Kingston Trolley

7. Lunch Cruise of the 1000 Islands



Are you heading out on a road trip soon? Here’s how we’re preparing:

  1. Get your technology read: I find iPads can not only can help your kids watch their own shows or movies but they can also serve as a place to store a map that kids can follow too before the ‘Are there yet?” begins.
  2. Pack an outfit in the car. You never know when you need to make a quick change due to a spill or food accident
  3. Get your car serviced! And don’t forget to pack emergency essentials. More info in our Chevrolet Canada Car Talk videos here.
  4. Bring healthy bite size snacks, such as nuts, granola bars or grapes or even some kid-friendly Indian roadtrip worthy snacks.
  5. Stock your iPhone/android phone with your favourite tunes and shows and get kids to play their favourites as well

Watch our feed on instagram and twitter for all of our road trip pics and videos from #VisitKingston and #FreshMadeDaily

And follow  @visitkingston @luxstorymedia for more great travel tips and pics!

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