8 Ways To Light Up Your Home At Diwali

8 Ways to Light up your home at diwali

Diwali, the festival of lights lends is. The food prep, the gift prep, the pujas, the family parties and the mathai boxes. But at its core, is its beautiful way of bringing light into the home. I’ll be having that big Diwali party at home soon and decor is the most fun part of this gathering. We all know that lighting is key during Diwali, but why not find creative ways to light up your home other than a traditional clay diya?


Here are my favourite ways to light your home this Diwali:

  1. Lanterns: lanterns are stunning ways add light to the outside of our home. Some of my favourites include morroccan style with at bit of bling and metallic net-style.  You can also get the accordion type ones like the mint one below which collect sunlight all day and turn themselves on to cast a beautiful glow by night. They are constructed of heavy duty nylon for outdoor use and available in various colours and shapes.  The one below is a solar lantern.

Outdoor Lantern by Good Earth India: Nargis Light


Morrocan style lantern by Pier 1

Morrocan style lantern by Pier 1


2. Stringed Lighting for Doorways and Trees

These stringed lights add the perfect glow and bling to any entrance as an added welcome for Diwali guests.

Sears Canada outdoor lighting

DIY Lighting

3.  Jewel/ Sindhoor Box Tea Light

I love how this jewel/sindhoor box can add bling to a tealight! I got these for a South Asian baby shower a while back and loved the way you could put them with each table setting. You can do the same for your Diwali dinner table. You can also give it a base that you can glue on using floor rangoli made from plastic. Tealights can be purchased from your local Real Canadian Superstore.

sindhoor/jewel box

sindhoor/jewel box candle base

sindhoor/jewel box diya

sindhoor/jewel box diya













4. Paisley-inspired Centerpiece Diya

These are super easy to make using crafted store-bought diyas available at your local Real Canadian Superstore and ready-to-use floor rangoli. You can create any pattern you want for the perfect centrepiece for your Diwali dinner table.

paisley Diya

5. Paper lamps or Mirrors!

If you’ve got beautiful traditional diyas like these, use a mirror base to add reflection to your centrepiece. It’s a great way to add sparkle when the lights are turned down at dinner.

diyas on mirror

Diyas from Real Canadian Superstore

I saw this paper lamp over on my favourite Diwali board on Pinterest and couldn’t believe how easy it is to make. All you need is paper bags of various sizes sizes, add doilies and an LED tea light and you’re set! The effect on lighting in a room is fantastic.

photo cred pinterest

photo credit: pinterest

Table runner centerpiece of diyas or candle light

This is another easy DIY for a long table. Simply using glass holders and mason jars with tea lights and a bold table runner creates the perfect lighting for a dining room. You can even add flower petals on the runner itself to add colour.


Photo Credit: www.nanobuffet.com

6. Henna Candle Holders

These is one of our favourite ideas courtesy of Henna4You. She created a few styles here and you can see one below.

Henna Tealight holder

Henna Tealight holder


7.  Use a cake tray!

Who knew you could just repurpose a cake tray? This cake tray from Good Earth is a great example of how to bring out your best for Diwali. Simply add flowers, tea light or candle and you’re done.

Cake Tray Candle

Photo Credit: Good Earth India

Something for the backyard!

8. Instead of Diwali fireworks or sparklers, use hot air coloured balloons lanterns!

This requires adult supervision and care but they have a great effect in the sky. I tried one at the cottage last year and they looked great! These can be made or bought online as well.

hot air balloons

Photo credit: ShopClues


What is your favourite way to light up your home? Share your picks with us!

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