Setting Your Vaisakhi Table

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Vaisakhi is the harvest festival of Northern India. A Thanksgiving of sorts, the festival historically serves as a harvest festival, during which farmers give thanks. For the Sikh community it’s an especially important day as it marks the birth of the Khalsa. Prayers are offered at Gurudwaras, for good harvests and the auspicious color saffron is worn. The air is filled with celebration while kitchens are taken over by the aroma of authentic recipes.

Each family may celebrate Vaisakhi differently, but one thing that is common is that it’s all about family time and being grateful.  We’ve got your tips on how to set your Vaisakhi table at home in our latest webisode! From traditional Punjabi dishes to the perfect decor for your table, we’ve got it covered.

We love the mustard yellow and saffron orange to make the perfect table top along with some white china and plastic rangoli designs for added colour. Watch more in our video above to see the full effect!

Table Decor

Table Decor

Vaisakhi Table

Have family abroad who can’t make your family dinner? It’s easy to send them a small gift using CIBC’s global money transfer, or they can also use the transfer to donate on your behalf to their local gurudwara. Visit to learn how.

For your Menu:

Sarson Ka Saag, Full recipe here.

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Ma ki Daal

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Makhi Di Roti

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Zarda Recipe (Meethe Chawal)







Karah Prashad Recipe

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