An Event to Honour Women Heroes

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Indo-Canadian Arts and Culture Initiative (ICACI)  will Honour 6 Female Heroes

In an effort to support and recognize the role of women in present day’s society, the Indo Canadian Arts and Culture Initiative (ICACI) is all set to host its third annual event Celebrating Womanhood.

Founded in 2014 as a social enterprise, the Indo Canadian Arts and Culture Initiative (ICACI) is a
registered organization dedicated to guiding members of the community to personal and professional
success through participation in events, workshops and other cultural and community activities. HONOURING WOMEN HEROES
ICACI’s exciting programs provide people from all walks of life within the community an opportunity to create experience and excel in their chosen profession and at the same time give back to the community.
Their mandate is to provide opportunities and support to individuals and community to showcase their talent and achieve excellence in their field of expertise.
The aim is to provide a platform for global recognition for women, maintaining that gender is no longer the deciding factor for success and that all individuals, male and female, have a responsibility to build, contribute and maintain a society free of gender bias and provides equal opportunities for all in every sense of the word.
“ICACI is a proud organizer of such events”, says Shruti Ganapathy, co-founder of ICACI. “As women

of today, we believe we must lead our society into a new paradigm of abundance, recognition and
equal opportunities created and sustained through positive thoughts and actions of trust, support and
unconditional love.”
This year’s Celebrating Womanhood event aims to honour six successful women who will be honoured
with the Women Heroes Award. ICACI hopes to nurture and inspire many women to bring their latent talents to the fore and achieve the kind of excellence they themselves didn’t believe they were capable
of.  ICACI has been founded as a collaboration between Mokshi Virk and Shruti Ganapathy and now

boasts of some of the most influential people from the Indo-Canadian Diaspora on their advisory
A woman is always challenged with playing multiples roles she is a mother, a friend, a wife, a colleague and she needs to play all these roles to perfection. We endeavour to honour the hero within her that allows her to play all these parts tirelessly,” says Mokshi Virk, Founder and Director of ICACI.
Award Categories will be in the field of Arts and Culture, Community Leadership, Cultural Diversity, Entrepreneur, Media and Performing Arts. Tickets available at
The event will also provide opportunities to network and will take place at:
March 14, 2015
Sagan Banquet Hall,
7180 Edwards
Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5S 1Z1


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