One Dish Three Ways: Aloo Phali Saabzi


Using One Dish Three Ways: Aloo Phali Saabzi

As the New Year starts many of us find ourselves making resolutions for the months ahead. Some of the most common resolutions (for Moms especially) are to ‘get organized and plan better’. Whether it’s to get out of the house faster, squeeze in extracurricular activities, budget on grocery shopping or just stay sane, many of us (me included!) try and organize our lives in such a way to avoid chaos.


One of the most challenging places to get organized can often be in the kitchen. From having various eating timings, to using leftovers, to differing pallets, it can be challenging to come up with dishes and meals that’s appeal to all family members. One challenge that I particularly have is using leftovers. I have a generous hand while cooking and always seem to have leftovers. It’s not something I intentionally do (although my husband thinks I’m programmed to cook for a langar).

So what’s a mom to do with leftovers? Re-use of course! Wouldn’t it be great if one dish could make a quick breakfast, a lunch or even an evening snack? There would be less wastage and would aid in planning out your meals. The thought process behind this was inspired by my mom, when I was growing up my mom would make us sandwiches and parathas from leftover saabzis for afternoon snacks. We would look forward to hot pressed aloo saabzi sandwiches served with ketchup or chutney after school.


Some of my favorite ways to repurpose dishes are using them in:

Dosas: Replace the usual masala for your leftovers, as dosa is pretty delicate I would suggest this for the dryer dishes.

Sandwiches: Aloo Gobi grilled cheese, hot pressed keema paninis, paneer tikka wraps; the possibilities are endless

Paranthas: Mash your leftovers and use them as a stuffing for paranthas, I can’t tell you how many times this has worked in our house.

Some tips and tricks for making saabzis into additional meals include:

– For vegetarian dishes: use a dry or semi dry saabzi with an aloo (potato) or paneer (indian cheese) base. These will hold up well and can be mashed/pressed/cut up easily.

– For meat dishes: use a dry dish (such as keema, tikkas, kebabs etc) If there is too much gravy – it will be hard to work with and repurpose.

– When trying this for the first time choose a dish most of your family is familiar with and enjoys. Whether it’s a favorite aloo ki saabzi or paneer stir fry; try and choose something they have tasted before – this way they will be more willing to try your new creation.

An easy recipe to start with is a basic aloo ki saabzi. You can add in any vegetable for added nutrition and there you have it, let your creative juices go! Here’s a simple aloo saabzi we make pretty often at home.


2 cups Long beans (phali), cut into ½ inch pieces
1 Medium Potato, cut into square pieces
2 teaspoon ginger paste
¼ teaspoon Mango powder (amchur)
1 teaspoon Cumin seeds
¼ teaspoon Turmeric powder
½ teaspoon Cumin powder
1 teaspoon Coriander powder
½ teaspoon Red chili powder
1 teaspoon Salt, adjust to taste
Cooking Oil – 2 tablespoons



Heat oil in heavy bottom pan on medium heat, add ginger and cumin seeds. Once they start sputtering add potatoes and cook for 5-7 minutes. Reduce heat to medium low, add beans and all spices. Mix well, cover and let cook for 20-25 minutes mixing occasionally. Turn heat off once potatoes are tender. Enjoy hot.

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