A Look at a 7-Minute Workout For Moms


By Binu Dhindsa

Photo: Courtesy 7minute workout app

Photo: Courtesy 7minute workout app















Whether it’s Diwali or Halloween or Thanksgiving that just passed, there is a great deal of celebrating and overindulging happening. This usually leaves us feeling heavy and tired and not up for exercise.

What if we made the habit of exercise easier? What if we worked on starting with small baby steps to help us create that new habit?


The magazines and newspapers are talking about the same thing…that our society needs daily movement to improve our health. So how do we do that?


Well, a new app came my way recently, something a few friends had brought up to me that they saw in the news. It’s the 7 minute app. The idea is brilliant. The creators have developed an app that works immediately and easily from your smartphone. Just a click and you are on your way to 7 minutes of exercise that you can perform anywhere at anytime. There is no fancy equipment needed and the whole body gets utilized. The best part is that it is free.


So what’s the hype. I did some research on this app and even though the news is going crazy over it – claiming increased muscle and weight loss, to be honest, I don’t fully agree. I do however believe it has some great benefits.


Will it get you ripped? Will it help you lose 20 pounds? Well the answer to both of these questions is NO. Many people were thinking that if they just use this app, miracles will happen with their bodies just by 7 minutes a day. But we all know that exercise alone will not get us to our health goals. We need to watch what we eat, consuming more healthy choices and less of the junk.


But on the side of fitness, here are the reasons I believe you should use this app.

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  • If you are new to exercise and you don’t know where to start.
  • If you attend fitness classes once a week and want something easy to do at home the other days.
  • If you are trying to create a new daily habit of exercise.
  • If you want something active and fun to do with your family.


As I tell my clients, start small with every new endeavor. Set a goal of getting the app downloaded in the next 2 days. Then set another goal of doing it for a week straight, each and every day. After that, make a new goal of maybe 21 days straight of the 7 minute app. Soon you will have a new habit, increased confidence, and your exercise level will increase. You will then be ready to get out there and try other new things like group classes, work towards a 5km run, or work with a personal trainer.


You can access the 7 minute workout here

http://www.7-min.com or search “7 minute workout” on your smartphones App Store.

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