Bring Back ‘Me Time’ with A Special #ChevyMom Spa Getaway

Masalamomms and chevrolet canada spa getaway


Masalamommas and Chevrolet Canada Put the ‘Me’ Back in ‘Mom Time’

Deadline extended! Contest begins Sept 18 and ends Sept 29 at 11:59pm (before Midnight)

10333236_10152211143513598_4011111505049890581_o Did your summer with kids go by in a blur with all the travelling, cultural holidays, birthdays and kids at home? Now that kids are back to school and university, we’re going to help put the ‘me’ back in your ‘mom time’ with our Chevrolet Canada #ChevyMom Spa Getaway!

We’re bringing back our getaway with Ste. Annes Spa from last year with some great new additions and another contest! What do you do to put ‘me’ time into your routine as a masalamomma?

We want to find out and give 3 lucky readers plus their guest (so that’s 6 of you!) a chance to come with our masalamommas team on our Chevrolet Canada   #ChevyMom Spa Overnight Getaway at Ste. Anne’s Spa in Grafton, Ontario on October 17-18!


And Chevrolet Canada has thought of everything… You and your fellow masalamomma will even get one of their great vehicles to drive up to the scenic site of Ste. Anne’s Spa! Check out our video from last year’s getaway!

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 Here’s what you need to do to qualify to win! (**Open to Ontario, Canada Residents ONLY)


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1) You must be a subscriber to our masalamommas newsletter to qualify. All Entries will be verified using your email subscription, first and last name. Current or former staff of masalamommas or their families are NOT  qualified to win. Previous winning attendees are eligible.

2) Tell us in 300 words or less: “What do you do for ‘me’ time as a masalamomma during the school year to help you reconnect with yourself and keep stress levels low?” 

  • Email us your entry of 300 words or more with your first, name, last name and your contact info so we can contact you if you win to EDITOR@MASALAMOMMAS.COM.
  • ALL entries will be entered into the draw.  All entries must be received by no later than Sept.29 by mighnight.  Contest begins Sept 18 and ends Sept 29 at 11:59pm. 3 Winners will be drawn randomly through and will be contacted the week of Sept. 30! (You must have a fellow mom ready to go with you:))
  • 3) You must be 21 years of age or older to participate, be a mom, must be an Ontario resident have a valid Ontario driver’s license and be a subscriber to our masalamommas newsletter community to qualify to win. All winners will be verified and contacted.
  • Must have a twitter account.
  • 4) Only 1 entry per person will be accepted. You must also agree to have your winning story published on
  • The 2 winning stories will be published on and the lucky winners will get the ‘mother road’ and win a one night spa retreat FOR 2 with our team at Ste. Anne’s spa on October 17-18, 2014.  (Oct 17 beginning 9am – Saturday 4pm Inclusive)
  • 5) A selected entrant may be required to provide proof that he/she is the authorized account holder of the email address associated with the selected entry.


Terms: reserves the right, to terminate or amend this Contest at any time and in any way, without prior notice. Without limiting the foregoing, if, for any reason, the Contest is not capable of running as originally planned, such as tampering, the Sponsor reserves the right, to cancel the Contest and conduct the draw from all previously received eligible entries received by the Contest Closing Date. and the independent contest organization shall not be held responsible for any problems, errors or negligence that may arise or occur in connection with the Contest. All entries become the permanent property of and none will be returned.  and the independent contest organization will not be liable for any failure of the Contest Website, do not assume any responsibility for incorrect or inaccurate capture of entry information, technical malfunctions, human or technical error, printing errors, lost, delayed or garbled data or transmissions, omission, interruption, deletion, defect or failures of any telephone or computer lines or networks, computer equipment, software or any combination thereof. Entry material/data that have been tampered with or altered are void.

spasliderHere’s what you’ll get:

1) One all-inclusive overnight stay at Ste. Annes Spa for you and a guest (includes all meals (all meals, luxurious accommodations in one of Ste. Annes spa cottages, 1-one hour spa treatment valued at $120)

2) a yoga and meditation class with Ste. Annes yoga instructor

3) A special skincare seminar with Ste. Annes skincare experts.

4) A special Chef’s dinner prepared by Ste. Annes chef in one of the luxurious cottages

5) Afternoon Tea

6) A Chevrolet vehicle loaner for the duration of the spa getaway

Note: ***You must be available to be to drive with your own vehicle to GM Headquarters in Oshawa (directions will be provided) to pick up your Chevrolet vehicle by 10am (in Oshawa) on Friday October 17th. Winners will need to leave their vehicles at GM headquarters and will be assigned cars upon arrival.   ***Masalamommas team members and winners will drive to Ste. Annes on Friday Oct 18th  and stay until 4pm Saturday October 18th.  Winners will need to return to Oshawa upon completion of the getaway on Saturday Oct 18th, to drop Chevrolet vehicles off and drive back with their own personal vehicles from Oshawa.  You must be available for the entire duration of the event. No exceptions will be permitted.


And the winners from our random draw for this #ChevyMom contest are:

All contest entrants had to answer the following question: What do you do for ‘me’ time as a masalamomma during the school year to help you reconnect with yourself and keep stress levels low?”

Nina Chandarana writes:

 As a parent of two little ones, it seems as though life consists of feeding, cleaning, driving, cooking, bathing, and sighing … day in and day out (note that I left out sleeping!). While this picture seems stressful, overwhelming and somewhat mundane, there are a ton of little things that keep me smiling, connected and grounded. I put these things in 3 buckets:

My Kids:
As challenging as raising kids is, there is one thing I get to do with them that completely fills my bucket. It’s the age old thing that every Indian child grew up doing … playing cards. 🙂 I LOVE cards, and being able to share this activity with my little ones helps to remind me how much fun we can have as a family. I ensure that there is at least one solid, dedicated session of card playing per week. It’s one of the things I look forward to most!

My Hubby / Friends:
Every night, before going to bed, my hubby and I share what we are grateful for. Some nights, I find it pretty challenging to find something (especially those days when the kids haven’t slept well, haven’t eaten well and the dark side within them has surfaced!), but I always find something, and it helps to remind me how fortunate I am.

Once a week, I have a “free night” after the kids are in bed where I can schedule outings with friends. It’s awesome – I always know that I am free that night to participate!! Before I introduced this practice, I had wicked FOMO because I felt like I could never engage with anything going on outside of my house. A++ recommendation!
I have a committed monthly date with my best friend. We find fun, different things to do, and never move this out of our calendar. It has kept us connected and laughing all throughout the crazy events that occur in our lives!

I will admit to my closet Netflix addiction. Being Erica, The Mindy Project, How I Met Your Mother, Orange is the New Black etc etc etc. I love them all, and they serve as my light, fun, comedic escape! Best $7.99/month I EVER spent!

Thanks for the opportunity to share my story and my little tidbits of what works for me. It’s one crazy journey … but the things listed above serve as my warm towelette on this long haul flight. 🙂

Anisa Tayab

image-5My life is surrounded by boys! I have a 7-year-old who is very talkative and active (I don’t think I’ve seen him sit still ever) and I have an almost 5 year old who thinks he’s a Ninja Turtle. The two of them keep me on my feet all day and sometimes all night. Add to the mix my great husband, although he is a great help sometimes I think he’s my third child. The three of them are always asking me where something is, when dinner is going to be ready, what’s for lunch tomorrow, what are we doing today and what are we doing on the weekend.
My family is so important to me.

I’ve adjusted my work schedule so I could be home more with my kids and not at work all day long. I love them with all my heart and do everything I do because they mean so much to me.
However, since becoming a mom I sometimes feel that I am just that – a mom! I used to be such a social person, I used to love going to the movies, reading, writing and so much more. After being tugged at all day long sometimes it’s hard to dig deep in and find something to do for myself other than sleep.
I recently realized how important it is to take a break and take some time for myself. I originally felt guilty for leaving my family but now I realize I need that time to just breathe and re-coup all my crazy thoughts so I can be a better mom to them.
The first thing I do after putting the kids to bed is take a nice hot bath. It not only relaxes me but it gives me some time to think about the day and mentally prepare for the next. It also gives me the opportunity to read something that’s not a newsletter from school or an email that is work or extra-curricular related. This nightly bath makes a huge difference and the days I skip it, I have a hard time sleeping because there’s so much to think about.

I also have started to take care of myself again. I try to get out and get my nails done. I keep my hairstyle up to date (hooray the mom pony-tail is gone) and I go for regular facials. These little breaks out of the house every few weeks are heavenly. I am so quick to spend money on the kids or on my house but always thought so much about it when it was something for me. To help me, I now schedule my next appointment when I am done with my last one. By doing this, I can’t delay the treat or change my mind (where am I going to find time to call and cancel).


Rachel Nazareth writes:

0d52202b7f8aac4c927888895105b269When my son was born I felt really overwhelmed, on edge, and anxious all the time. Everything was new, even my emotions and my desire to love and protect this little man. My son seemed to have trouble gaining weight, we had trouble nursing, and to make matters harder I felt isolated at home on parental leave. I also felt far away from my faith and God, because I felt I had no time to pray or read the spiritually nurturing books that had helped me live a balanced life in the past.
Then in April – Five months into new motherhood – I found ‘Mommy & Baby’ Yoga and eventually I attended yoga, just for ME. At Kula Yoga in Toronto, I found my “Me Time”. Whew. Going to yoga two times a week throughout June, July & August really gave me the “Me time” that I needed to simply BREATHE. I had needed to find a way to calm down, even if it was just for one hour, then go, somewhat refreshed back into the fray of motherhood.
I will say that that “Me Time” saved me. Now when I’m feeling overwhelmed I have the ability to go to Church service again and to have that time with God, and having yoga as well, at least once a week, truly reminds me to breathe and to remember that I’m not my son’s servant; I’m his mother. I’m his mother who also needs to be cared FOR, so that I can better care for HIM.
The teachers at Kula Yoga in Toronto truly have cared for my spirit and body and have given me the “Me Time” that I so desperately STILL need when balancing motherhood, my martial relationship, work, and other stresses that life throws at me. I’m grateful to God for putting them into my life.

Congratulations, to our winners!
All moms need breaks and I’m glad I realized it! I’m such an advocate for this that whenever my friends have a baby now, I offer to watch their child so they can go and enjoy a break too. We all get breaks at work, why not at home?


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