Plan Your Cultural Moments With Your Newborn

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Plan Your Cultural Milestone with Your Newborn with a Photo App!

bigstock_Mother_Playing_With_Her_Baby_B_3190944When you have a newborn, everything is so delicate…those little fingers, little toes, little nose and those tiny feet. Capturing the expressions, the movements and the baby moments can be so magical because these little beings grow so fast!

Do you remember that first baby moment? Suddenly it’s gone! And in flash, your little one is rolling over, sucking her thumb or getting into your cupboards!

Canon’s new Facebook app can help you make sure you capture each and every moment…beautifully AND it will seem like you have professional photographer right in the room with you! That’s because the app was developed with the help of Stephanie Robin, a multiple award-winning baby photographer. A mother of three herself, Stephanie divides her professional time between taking photos and traveling the world instructing the next crop of baby photographers.

With this simple app, you can get some amazing pictures and be assured you’ll never miss an important moment.

This is especially handy for those cultural milestones that us South Asians celebrate with the whole family. That first Diwali, that first birthday, that first mundan or that first Eid with baby. Everyone wants to get a picture with your baby.

Canon Canada has made it really easy to capture your baby’s firsts by age in the first year. You’ll not only get tips on capturing that first baby ‘cruising’ or ‘that first roll, but you’ll also get tips and ideas on planning a photo shoot with parents, toys, or portrait looks.

baby moments app instructions



All you have to do is just choose the age of your baby, 0-3monts, 4-6months, 7-9months or 10-12months for the right format.





Then, Choose a photo from the baby moments you want to capture for that age.

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Next, click on the image and you’ll get step-by-step instructions on everything from lighting, best position, best lenses to use and set up positioning. It’s so easy and you’ll love being the professional photographer in the room.


steps to capture baby moments













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So if you’re expecting a baby or have a newborn, check out this Facebook app and get clicking! You’ll be able to make that next cultural milestone more than just a memory! You’ll have pictures to share the moment and have it for your baby to see when she or he gets older.


This post was done in partnership with Canon Canada.

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