Easy Eggless Chocolate Cake


By Renu Chandarana @renujc

Renu Jain

Renu Jain Chandarana, Writer

Hi. I’m Renu and I’m a chocoholic.  There. I said it. I’M A CHOCOHOLIC! I am a chocoholic who has a knack for baking…and that is a lethal combination. What makes it lethal is that I must have the warm fudgey scent of a homemade chocolate cake in the air in order to fully engage my addiction.

Boxed cake doesn’t cut it and frankly, I’m over it since I started using this recipe. It’s just as easy. I promise. Plus, isn’t there a bit more satisfaction in creating something spectacular from a bunch of different ingredients that really meant nothing on their own?  Anyone can master a box cake.


Why do I love this recipe?



  1. I learned this in junior high school home economics…and then I modified it a bit. batter
  2. It’s inexpensive so you can make big batches without spending money on butter and eggs
  3. It can be the base for adding any fancy mixings you like – like dollops of a cream cheese and sugar mixture (add to the pan once batter has been poured in), or espresso shots/espresso powder for a deeper chocolaty flavor
  4. It’s made with whole wheat flour and you’ll never even know
  5. It can easily accommodate any allergy or dietary restriction because it is eggless, dairy free, could probably be made with a gluten free flour (sorry haven’t tested that, but let me know if you do!) and it’s nut free.

Why is this recipe easy?

  1. No sifting
  2. No electric mixer
  3. Literally measure, mix and bake (no alternating ingredients or beating butter and sugar first)
  4. Nothing from the fridge needed (a nice recipe for the cottage!)
  5. You can double, triple, or half the recipe as needed
  6. You can make it with your kids without worrying about any rogue eggshells
  7. If your kids are like my kids…they love to whisk and mix…and mix, and mix, and mix…this batter is sort of fool proof. Mix for 2 minutes, or 10, it’ll still be great.

pouring batter But why the whole wheat flour you ask? Well, since I’m no roti-matic roti maker at home, baking is the only way I can use up my 20lb bag of chakki fresh atta that my parents insist I buy every time they visit me (it’s a better value dear!)

I’m quite thankful that they made me buy it, because I have essentially replaced my white flour with chakki ground 100% whole wheat flour. I use it in recipes for cookies, cakes, muffins, pretty much everything I make that requires flour. It makes me feel just a wee bit better knowing that it’s higher in fibre and protein, making it a great choice when making a treat.   In order to use whole wheat flour in place of white flour, without anyone noticing, you have to make sure it’s been ground really finely. Most 100% whole wheat flours out there still have a bit of texture from the husk. By using chakki ground (stoneground) flour, the final product is uniform and even in texture. You might see speckles of the husk, but it’s virtually undetectable when using in baking.

I apologize in advance for how simple this cake is and please don’t send me angry messages telling me how you’ve made it twice in a week or how there’s never any left for you to have cause it’s gone in 3 minutes, or how your school keeps asking you to bake for their fundraisers now cause it’s a top seller at the nut free allergy aware bake sale. You’ve only done it to yourself by following this recipe.

Easy Eggless Chocolate Cake


P.S. it makes a great gift to bring to someone’s house. While removing your coat, the conversation in the foyer of your friend’s home will unfold like this:  

You: I brought chocolate cake for dessert. Host: Thanks so much! You really didn’t have to go through all that trouble!

You: Oh no, it’s nothing. It was quick. Host: Yeah, I love boxed cakes. They are so convenient. Aren’t they?

You: Nope, it’s not boxed. I made it from scratch! Host: What? No way! Amazing. Is there anything you can’t do? I bow down to you oh holy baker of chocolate cake from scratch. And you hadn’t even taken your shoes off yet.   Proceed with caution.


Easy Eggless Chocolate Cake Makes 1 8inch x 8inch square or 1 9 inch round, or 12 regular cupcakes.

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