Celebrating Baby’s Firsts – Canada Day!



By Sandy Avvari Nayani @savvari

baby; Canada Day; CanonAlmost six weeks ago we were blessed with the arrival of our little baby boy, Ronin. I can’t believe how quickly time has passed since the day he was born. Come to think of it, just over a month from now it will be a year from the day that I found out I was pregnant with him. Unreal!

As new parents, we’ve enjoyed sharing so many firsts with him – his first bath, first visit to the doctor, first smile, his first visit to the temple and his first puja (Hindu prayer ceremony). With our Indian heritage, Ronin will experience even more firsts throughout his lifetime and we are so lucky to be able to celebrate his cultural milestones here in Canada.

As proud Canadians, we were so excited to celebrate our first Canada Day as a new family. I was born and raised here and my parents always made it a point to participate in Canada Day activities with our friends and neighbours. Some years, we would enjoy lighting sparklers in the backyard and then we would head to a neighbourhood fireworks display. Other years, we headed to Canada’s Wonderland or Ontario Place, where we would spend the day having fun in the park and enjoy the fireworks shows at night. Growing up, Canada Day was all about having a fun holiday, filled with friends, family and fireworks. As I got older, it became more about celebrating our home and native land, being Canadian and feeling blessed to grow up in such a rich, multicultural society.

Over the years, I’ve had the chance to participate in cultural ceremonies and enjoy delicacies from all over the world, just by visiting the different neighbourhoods in the city. I wanted our first Canada Day with Ronin to be special, so I was thrilled when I found Canada Day t-shirts for my husband and I, along with a matching onesie!


I’ll admit that I’ve struggled to keep up with taking high quality photos of Ronin. Between sleep deprivation and adjusting to a newborn’s schedule, proper photo taking was difficult to fit in and we often resorted to taking photos on our smartphones.

Now that he has passed his one month milestone (again, I can’t believe it!), I’m really hoping to properly capture as many moments as I can, so it was great to find out about  the Canon Canada’s Plan Your Baby Moments Facebook app –  the app is great for expectant and new parents to plan their baby’s first moments and get some terrific photo-taking tips.

In the app, I was able to choose my baby’s age and get tips that were specific to the types of shots that would best be captured in certain age ranges. The app provides tips from the experts on what equipment to use, how to set the scene and how to get interact with the baby to capture the best pictures.

To capture the shots, I used Canon’s EOS Rebel SL1 camera and I absolutely loved it. The camera is small, light and sleek, which is terrific since we already have quite a bit to carry for our little guy when we leave the house!

My favourite feature was the touch screen, it was fantastic to be able to see a shot and capture it by touching the screen immediately, especially when it came to taking pictures of a newborn who is constantly wriggling and changing his expression!

I don’t have a lot of experience with cameras, so I really appreciated the Scene Intelligent Auto Mode feature. The camera adjusted itself so all I had to do was concentrate on taking pics of my little guy, without having to worry about all of the different settings.

It was amazing to see that I could capture great photos with the right equipment and a few tips from the pros. The combination of Canon’s Plan Your Baby Moments Facebook app and the EOS Rebel SL1 camera made it so easy to get the high quality shots I was looking for. We had a great Canada Day and we can’t wait to celebrate more important firsts with Ronin in the coming months.

Stay tuned!

Here’s My Gallery of shots of my baby moments! You can capture your baby’s first moments with this easy app too, visit the page:  Yourbabymoments.ca


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