Kebabs Your Kids Will Love

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By Chef Roshni

Kebabs for Kids

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always loved being in the kitchen. My earliest memory is having my mini rolling pin set from India


Photo: Courtesy Chef Roshni

and helping my mom make rotis. Now that I am a mother, I wait for the day my son is old enough to do this with me. I would also pretend I had an audience in front of me while I cooked and answered questions.

I would often experiment and mix foods from different cultures to create new dishes. Some were successful and some were total failures. This childish play started my path to becoming a chef. Today, I still find myself mixing east and west cultures to create fusion food.

Since becoming a mom and working full-time, I have started focusing on creating quick, healthy, yet still full-flavoured meals on a tight schedule. You may have a fussy kid at home that hates trying new foods. Experience has show that children who help out in the kitchen are more likely to try what they have helped with.


One of my favourite foods to make and eat ever since I was a little girl, are kebabs. My first memory of making kebabs was watching my dad. Coming from a Sindhi background, we have a lot of Persian and Pakistani influences in our cuisine. Among our circle of friends, my dad was famous for his kebabs. At any gathering or function, he was asked to make “Nandu’s famous Kebabs.” I guess my love for this dish started here.

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Food Contributor

When I tell people how kid-friendly and quick they are to make because they can be marinated in advance, most moms are surprised. Making kebabs on a skewer is always a favourite for kids. In fact, any food on a stick is fun for them. Depending on what meat you use, kebabs are pretty low in fat and high in protein. They pair extremely well with salads, naan bread, roasted potatoes and grilled vegetables.


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Note: Leftovers can be cut up and put into any gravy for a kebab curry or into pasta sauce for fusion pasta.

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