Chocolate, Coconut Cardamom Cupcakes


The Sweet Scent of Cardamom in Your Kitchen

We’ve all seen cardamom do wonders for chai but what about cupcakes? This incredible recipe by Devnaa will definitely impress guests and give you the ‘sweet’ me-time break with your next cuppa chai.

As Devnaa describes this recipe: “This is a full on, chocolate cupcake with coconut filling (baked inside, not poured in after!) and coconut and cardamom icing, topped of course with a Devnaa Coconut & Cardamom Signature Caramel. We hope you like it as much as we do :)”

You can find this recipe on Devnaa’s blog here. devnaacupcake

Chocolate, Coconut & Cardamom Cupcakes (makes 12)

Ingredients for Filling:
100g Cream Cheese
25g Fine Desiccated Coconut
25g Caster Sugar


  • Simply beat the cream cheese until smooth, beat in the desiccated coconut and sugar until well mixed and leave aside until needed

Ingredients for Chocolate Sponge:
200g Butter
200g Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 Eggs
150g Self Raising Flour
50g Cocoa Powder
100ml Soured Cream


  • Pre heat oven to gas mark 4/180C/350F and linbe a cupcake tin with cases
  • Cream the butter and sugar until white and fluffy
  • Beat in the vanilla extract
  • Scrape down the sides of your bowl and beat in the eggs one by one until you have a smooth mixture
  • Sift together the flour and cocoa powder and then slowly beat into the creamed mixture a little at atime, adding the soured cream as and when you need it until you have used all the dry ingredients and the batter is of a smooth and creamy dropping consistency
  • Divide half of the batter between all 12 cupcake cases
  • Now, using a teaspoon, divide the coconut filling between all 12 cupcakes, carefully placing it in the center of each cake
  • Top the filling in each cake with the remaining chocolate batter and then bake for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean
  • Cool completely on a wire rack.

devnaa2Ingredients for Coconut & Cardamom Buttercream:
200g Butter
350g Icing Sugar
4 tblsp Coconut Powder
1/2 tsp Coconut Extract (if you have it otherwise add more coconut powder until the taste is right for you)
1/4 tsp Powdered Cardamom (grind it up as fine as you can – nobody wants to bite on a stony chunk, it can be really bitter!)

  • Beat the butter until soft and creamy and then beat in the cardamom and extract (if using)
  • Sift together the icing sugar and coconut powder and gradually beat into the butter, ensuring your icing remains smooth and creamy
  • Add a little more coconut powder if required and then swirl onto each cupcake
  • Top with a Devnaa Coconut and Cardamom truffle if you wish!
  • Enjoy 🙂
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