Decorate From Around the World – while on your couch.


By Sundeep Sandhu @designwali & online at


Decor Writer, Masalamommas

Whenever I see a ‘global’ object or artifact in someone’s home I’m instantly drawn to it. Like a moth to a flame, I can’t help myself intrigued to find out about the culture, history or the uniqueness of the piece. Show me a Turkish kilim, African stools, Japanese dolls, Thai temple bells or Indian pottery and I get an instant décor fix. If I could, I would travel around the world slowly acquiring all of these treasures for my home. However, my current lifestyle does not provide me with the budget or the time for such a luxurious shopping trip. So I have to be creative. These days if I want a global chic style I look to online retailers as a source of inspiration or for the actual treasure hunt itself. Recently, I have been enamored with a few online retailers (I haven’t ordered anything from any of them so make sure to check shipping restrictions in your areas if you do decide to buy). Even if you don’t buy anything these sites are fun and inspirational to look at and can keep you dreaming of future travel destinations!

Photo Credit: Totally crushing on this site right now. Mayseek Global Treasures is a wonderful collection of finds from all over Asia. Wonderful finds like Brass Urli Pots, to vintage Lassi glasses and colourful kantha pillow covers from all over the world including local North American markets! The site is clean and they describe themselves as a ‘virtual salon’. Totally draws me in.






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A Swedish site that showcases wonderfully bright eclectic accessories for the home and for yourself! I haven’t figured out how to translate the site so I can read the actual product descriptions, but I get my fix just browsing at all the lovely tunics and ceramics.



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This site is really takes you to the root of the artisans who create such works. Matsya offers craft tours “aims to connect the global traveler with India’s artisan and craft communities.” Matsya carefully brings together design enthusiasts, art lovers with grassroots artisans. Go pay a visit and you wont’ be disappointed looking at the copper bells, Warli paintings and lovely studio pottery.












Harabu House : A beautiful site that really showcases stylish, eco-friendly solutions to everyday living. Such a range of finds from Japanese donut drippers to lovely Indian wooden block prints. I kid you not, so much pretty makes you feel good.


**Disclaimer – I was not reimbursed by any of these shops for my reviews. I also have not purchased from any of these sites to date. So make sure to read all purchasing and shipping terms and conditions. My reviews are strictly based on my online browsing skills.



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