Flying Solo: A New Column from A Single Mom’s Perspective


Flying Solo” is a new column in our new ‘Saheli Circle’ section that we’ll be sharing with you each month, written by Vaishali Sharda, a divorced, mom of two.

We here at strive to represent the many voices of moms with different perspectives and challanges. In an effort to share the voice of a single mom, whether you’re separated or divorced and/or raising your children on your own, in ‘Flying solo’ Vaishali will bring you her personal experiences as a single desi mom. 

Vaishali is  a  South Asian mom blogger with a popular blog called She is also well-known as ChaiChatter on Twitter.  Her family is originally from Punjab, India and she currently lives in the Bay Area. She says finding a voice as a blogger helped her out of a challenging period in her life when she was going through a divorce and making the move to being a single mom. Today, her sons are 19 and 16 and her blog has a growing following.

You can read her story and profile on masalamommas here and follow her on her blog or twitter as she shares her tips and perspectives.


Join Vaishali  in her column on as she flies solo on this journey called Motherhood. If you’ve got a question for her email:


Go to her first Flying Solo column HERE.

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