Official Launch Event

launchvector is proud to announce its official launch on January 26th, 2012 in Toronto!  We’ve had such great feedback from moms like you, friends and supporters of this site and it’s been a truly amazing experience thus far. We look forward to sharing more stories with you in 2012.

Our Host for our “Masalamommas Night Out” is masalamomma Karen Johnson, national weather anchor of the Weather Network with special guests Angie Seth, OMNI News-South Asian Edition and stars from “the Housewives of Lorne Park” a new show premiering on Rogers Cable this month.

“I have read articles, done and seen reports on these issues, but never have I had access to a site that really caters to the needs of professional South Asian women who have so much more than just their careers to juggle,” said Seth, a mother of two. “ is a real innovation.  I am honoured to be a part of the launch.  It is going to be a blast! Welcome to the new age of the South Asian woman!” provides such a great platform for South Asian moms to connect and share our experiences as women and as mothers,” said Anushay Hossain, author, commentator, writer and activist based in Washington, DC.  “Our cultural background ties us in even more closely. It is great to not only see how other women are tackling all the various roles assigned to us, or ones we choose to fulfill, and draw inspiration from each others lives.”

(****this event is by INVITE ONLY****)

Highlights of the night include:

  • Fashion Show by the stylish active wear line from Born in Vegas, as seen on Kim Kardashian.
The Sarista Showdown, hosted by, a competition between two mom-and-daughter teams who will race against the clock to make ‘the perfect pleat’ on a participant from audience. Models will then strut their sari on the catwalk for judges to decide on the best styled sari.
  • And of course our honoured contributors: Rubina Ahmed-Haq, of, Dale Ho of the Complete Family, Sheba Siddiqui, a South Asian mom blogger and many more.

Food and Wine Tastings, Entertainment, Twitter lounge and giveaways! helps mothers promote a strong “cross-over” culture where South Asians blend the best elements of both cultures into a unique experience — a mission that drives us at Sari Closet as well,” said Sreesha Vaman, Co-founder of

We would like to thank all of our supporters and sponsors for their generous support for this event and all of you, our readers, who have been here giving us your feedback and your time. We would also like to thank karmaPRO Entertainment for their expertise in putting this event together.

We look forward to giving you, minute-by-minute updates for those of you living in other areas of the globe. Stay tuned right here, for all the latest news on our launch and upcoming events!

Follow us on Twitter: @masalamommas and on Facebook !

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There are 3 comments

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  1. Angie

    Would love to be put on an invitation list for upcoming events that masalamommas will be hosting, really enjoy the site, keep up the great work.

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