Easy Pea Pilaf: Save money tonight

By Rubina Ahmed-Haq

I don’t usually write about recipes, but I thought this was a good one that not only saves money but is very easy to make. Its a pea pilaf and it is a delish’ side dish with any curry or bbq meat.  The spices can be expensive up front but once you have a good supply they will last you for many months (maybe even years). For the best price on spices try your local Indian stores.  This recipe is tried and tested. I had a friend make it recently without me there using just these measurements and instructions.



*The total cost of this dish is approximately $4 and it makes six generous amounts of rice.


  • Large steel pot and wooden spoon
  • Chopping board, knife


  • 2 cups basmati rice (wash until water is clear)
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 1 small onion thinly sliced
  • 2 cinnamon sticks or bark
  • 1 tea spoon cumin
  • 5 each whole clove whole black pepper
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 table spoon oil.
  • Salt to taste


  • Heat oil in large pot, once hot turn down heat and add the cinnamon, cumin and black pepper.
  • Sauté until aromatic, around 2mins.
  • Push to side of pot and add onion to middle of pot.
  • Sauté till a bronze color and wilted.
  • Add peas stir all together.
  • Add rice stir and let cook for 1 mins. Don’t move rice around to much or it will break.
  • Add Bay leaves and 3.75 cups water.
  • Salt water to you taste,
    • Tip: when salting water in rice add a pinch more than you think the salt always tastes less once cooked
  • Stir gently and bring to a boil without lid.
  • Once boiling put on minimum heat and cover for 20 mins.
  • If pot is all metal (including handles) you can put it in the oven for 30 mins on 275. Instead of cooking on stove top.
  • Lets rice stand for 10 mins regardless of method used for cooking.
  • Fluff and enjoy.
    • Tip:Always serve rice on a platter so it does not go mushy.

This article was originally published here: http://www.alwayssavemoney.ca/2011/11/easy-pea-pilaf-save-money-tonight.html

More about Rubina:

Rubina Ahmed-Haq is a social media savvy financial journalist with more than 10 years of experience. Her career spans three continents in TV, radio, print and online.  She is passionate about economics, business and personal finance.  Currently, Rubina is a regular business contributor on CBC Steven and Chris, a lifestyle show that airs across North America.   She is the finance editor at CondoLife Magazine in Toronto; the publication provides monthly updates on what’s hot in the new condo market. As well, her print work appears regularly in The Toronto Star’s Moneyville.ca, OurkidsMedia.com and Masalamommas.com.

 Her own blog is  AlwaysSaveMoney.ca.


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