Dealing with New Mom Guilt


New Mom? Guilt Isn’t Far Behind


By Nisha Vedi Pawar @lovelaughmirch & online at:


NYC Reporter

Over a month ago I went from being a “Masalamomma-in-training” to a real life Masalamomma. We were blessed with a precious baby girl and life as we knew would never be the same.


During the last trimester of my pregnancy, friends and family often asked me if I was nervous or worried about anything. My answer was always no.

I had heard that moms to be frequently questioned themselves “Can I do this? Will I be ok?” Those thoughts never really crossed my mind. “It’s the most natural process,” I thought, instinctive and nurturing – how could I not be ok? After all, this was something I had always wanted, to become a mother.

And then it started… the unexpected.  We tend to build up the “ideal version of parenthood”, what we think is perfect for our little ones and ourselves. I too had certain ideals that I didn’t blink twice about. My delivery was going to be natural (no medical intervention), I would try and stay at home for the bulk of my pre-labor and only go to the hospital when necessary, we wouldn’t give formula – our little one would be exclusively breastfed, etc. My husband was fully on board and we both never gave our “plan” a second thought.


At my 38-week appointment my Doctor explained to me that our little one was not engaging, she was in birth position but was too high up and if I did not go into labor naturally by 40 weeks he would induce me. Induce? I hadn’t even given a passing thought to the fact that I would need to be induced. During those two weeks I tried every natural trick in the book, whatever Indian old wives tales my mom had up her sleeve – I did it, drank it, ate it.  

I continued to stay active by walking, climbing stairs, doing squats, I was determined to stick to “the plan”. 40 weeks rolled around and there I found myself, laying on the hospital bed waiting to check if our little one was ready for her appearance. Unfortunately there was no progress and after monitoring her heartbeat, I was admitted and put on Pitocin. Seeing my disappointment, my husband and mom reassured me that everything else would be fine and this was just a small hurdle. And so we waited.

Photo: courtesy of Nisha Pawar

Photo: courtesy of Nisha Pawar


The contractions started and soon after so did dilation. As the hours passed, the Doctor came in every few hours to check on the little ones progress however she still wasn’t moving down. My contractions were getting closer together, I was dilating more & more, surely it was just a matter of time.

After twelve hours of labor and several progress exams the Doctor explained to us that due to complications with the little one, & me we would have to proceed with a cesarean. He left the room due to an emergency and stated the nurses would be in to prep me and he would be back shortly for any questions or concerns. I was stunned.

This was not how it was supposed to happen. I asked my husband to speak to the doctor to see if that was the only option. Every nurse that entered the room was asked the same question. After several nurses and the doctor explained that this was the best route for sake of the little ones health, our so-called “plan” went out the window and I was taken into surgery. Forty-five minutes later I heard the most beautiful cry ever. Our daughter was here, with a plan all of her own.

ap07After delivery and settling back in our room the nurses explained to me that due to our little ones size they would be monitoring her blood sugar levels every few hours. While trying to satisfy her hunger I kept thinking about delivery and what caused everything. Was it something I did? Was it nazar (evil eye)? Day 2 the nurses came into the room explaining that our little ones blood sugar levels were dropping and glucose water would no longer suffice.

We would have to supplement with formula while I waited for my supply to come in. This was the breaking point. Why? Why were things not going according to plan? I had taken such good care of us during pregnancy, stayed active, ate healthy homemade meals, watched and read positive things. Why was my body not responding to the changes, was I not ready for this, was I not good enough? A rush of emotions swept over me as I began to question myself as a mother. I suddenly understood the doubt new mothers have.


I was lucky and blessed to have an amazing support system (my mother & husband) that ensured me I could only control what was in my hands and I was doing the best job possible. It took several days for me to let go of the guilt but once I did, I realized the grief I was giving myself was only making it harder for me to enjoy motherhood. After speaking to a few close friends I was surprised to hear that they too went through similar waves of emotions, parallel hurdles, and the same doubt. Some had harder times then others dealing with the frustrations and no one to talk to. I sit here now, staring into my little ones big brown eyes, knowing that I did and will try and continue to do what’s best for her without worrying about a “perfect plan” and the sooner I get rid of the guilt – the happier we’ll both be.


“Motherhood is a choice you make everyday to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own. To teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing- even when you’re not sure what the right this is… and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong” -Donna Bell




Photo: Courtesy Nisha Pawar

For any mom to be or new mom my advice to you as a fellow new mom is as follows:

Cut yourself some slack: Whatever you do or have to do to keep yourself and your little one healthy is for the well being of your child. Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go according to plan, not everything does and that’s okay.

Talk about it: Share your feelings with someone you feel comfortable with, whether it be your partner, parent, or close friend. You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel just by confiding in someone. You may even find that they too felt the same way at one point.


Ask for help: You will find yourself trying to be superwoman by juggling no sleep, adjusting to a major life event, a recovering body and a newborn that needs you 24/7. Take all the help you can get when you can get it. There is nothing wrong with asking for support and in no way will it make you any less of a mother.

ENJOY: Enjoy each and every second of this amazing new journey. The only thing your baby wants is your love. Don’t stress the little things and take time to soak in your newest blessing. After all, if momma is happy, baby is bound to be happy.

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There are 2 comments

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  1. TK

    Congratulations! Reading your story made me re-visit my birth experience almost two years ago. I was induced for the same reason as you, and after that I lost control over everything that happened. I too had to supplement for the first few days and to this day I wonder whether I should have done anything differently. But then, I just wanted my baby to be healthy and happy, and nothing would get in the way of that.

  2. Summer Happenings |

    […] 1. I shared Little Mirchi’s birth story on Masala Mommas magazine in the New Mom Guide. (In case I haven’t mentioned it before – I’m the New Mom Guide writer & NYC correspondent for this wonderful magazine which connects South Asian Moms from all walks of life) You can read the story here. […]

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