Saheli Circle


Welcome to Saheli Circle! In this section we will showcase exclusive new columns on various real-life topics  for moms, where you can ask questions and engage with the ‘expert’ by sending in your questions or concerns. Saheli Circle will be an area of columns that foster dialog between you the readers, and our masalamomma columnists. Here our columnists, and moms with a South Asian connection, will offer commentary and opinions. So join us right here for more conversation with your ‘sahelis’. Write to our columnists at:



Journey To Baby


Deepika Sandhu

Like many South Asian women these days, Deepika got married in her early 30’s and starting trying to have a baby in her mid 30’s. What she thought would be a quick and easy path to motherhood has proved to be long, arduous journey.  Deepika is sharing her personal story on her path to pregnancy here on Masalamommas because so many women deal with fertility issues but do not openly discuss the challenges they face. Join her every month as she shares the trials and hopefully triumphs on her path to baby.

As part of one of our ‘Saheli Circle’ columnists, Deepika will also take non-medical questions from readers in similar situations about her journey and experience.




MM @ Work Columnist

MM @ Work Columnist



The working masalamomma comes in all forms: work from home, work at home, working outside the’s a juggle whether you work or not. Sometimes some of us look to make that next career move, that return to work transition or want to quit our day jobs to start something of our own. This column will provide a sounding board for  to answer common questions about what recruiters look for, prepping for a transition change, or that tricky interview.



MM@Work Contributor

MM@Work Contributor


Vidya is a mom of twin toddler boys,  enjoying the roller-coaster ride of work-life integration in the Silicon Valley. While she’s not working full-time as a Biotechnology professional, she’s out and about with her family, enjoying the fine life of California Bay Area; her superpower is her ability to multi-task at a pace that makes many around her, dizzy!  Vidya will bring her personal dose of humour and experience as a working masalamomma juggling the demands of corporate life to our MM@Work Column. She’s written about the role of ‘making the decision to work outside the home‘, mothering twins and travelling with kids.



Flying Solo

Vaishali Sharda, Columnist

Vaishali Sharda, Columnist


In an effort to share the voice of a single mom, whether you’re separated or divorced and/or raising your children on your own, this column will bring you the  experiences of a single desi mom and provide a sounding board for questions that may come up during and after separation.





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