All posts by Masalamommas

What It Takes to Raise Children, Miles Away from Family

By Naya Weber, @LactivistNLoubs As the old saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child“. This holds especially true for South Asian culture, due to the prevalence of joint family homes. Growing up, my own family consisted of my parents, aunt, grandparents, and younger sister; all living in

Keep on Food Truckin’: A Look At the Desi Food Truck Story

By Salima Jivraj Food Writer @halal_foodie Does ‘gourmet food truck’ sound like an oxymoron? Go back about ten years and perhaps, but the culinary trend of gourmet mobile street food is giving meals on wheels a whole new meaning. A huge craze in the US, thanks to television shows such

South Asian American Youth Literature and the Bi-Cultural Experience

By Lalitha Nataraj,  @librarian_lali This article was originally published on Lalitha’s blog called : masalareader.wordpress As a youth services librarian, and the mother of two children of bi-racial/bi-cultural heritage, I’m strongly committed to highlighting books mirroring a broad spectrum of cultural differences. I also find myself experiencing a renaissance of sorts, as I