All posts by Masalamommas

Kid-Free Zones Popping Up in India

Child-free zones seem to be silently popping up everywhere. Are such kid-free zones practical in India? Are they hassle-free or discriminatory? By Prerna Malik First published at “They’re kids. Let them be”, said a mother to me as we sat in the restaurant watching a bunch of kids literally

Fabulous Foodies: A Series on Food Bloggers

By Salima Jivraj @halal_foodie and online at Fabulous Foodies –  Here, we will feature  series on food bloggers from around the globe bringing inspiration, information and how-to! This week, we are pleased to present this interview with Urvashee Patel, Owner of Dessarts   Urvashee’s website is adorned with amazing

Courgette & Fenugreek Salad

By Nisha Katona @NishaKatona The reckless simplicity of BBQ food is seldom associated with Indian Food.  Shackled by the image of heavy, red sauces, Indian food is relegated to the cold winter Friday nights. Think again! Think about India itself.  Her food didn’t grow against a backdrop of cold