Recipe: Kulfi in a Chocolate Cup (Webseries)


With so many South Asian traditional holidays and calendar events coming up we though it was the perfect time to feature a traditional recipe and ‘beautify’ it. There’s traditional desserts we all know and love and in our latest webisode on ‘Quick Cooking Ideas’ our co-host for our webseries, Karen Johnson gets a 101 on how to make a traditional kulfi dessert but in a chocolate cup!

Check out webisode with our guest expert, Chef Sanjeev from The Host Restaurant in Toronto who shares how to make kulfi look and taste great!

kulfi cup

All of the ingredients here can be found at your local Loblaws or your local community grocery store. Have a story idea? Interested in sponsoring our webseries? Email

Full recipe below:


Kulfi in a Chocolate Cup:


1 litre Homogenized milk How to make kulfi in a cup

6-7 strands saffraon

1 Tbsp Chopped Almonds

1 Tbsp Chopped Pistachios

Pinch of cardamom powder (4-5 cardamom worth)

2 Tbsp Condensed Milk

12-24  Chocolate cup molds



  1. In a wide pot or kadai, heat milk on low-medium heat for at least about 40-50 mins. Milk will reduce to about half and thicken.
  2. Pour in remaining ingredients into pot. Mix well.
  3. Cool and pour in molds. Set aside in freezer


Join us for our next webisode coming soon! Share this recipe with a mom you know!

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