Exclusive Twitter Chat with Nadia P. Manzoor

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We are very excited to announce we will be doing a live backstage twitter chat with the star of the famed, one-woman show, Burq Off!,  Nadia Manzoor as she preps for her show in Toronto on March 18-21, 2015.

After a series of sold-out performances in the United States, she is making her way to make bring her successful show to Canada.

Burq Off!

Burq Off!










In her show, Nadia  explores the classic migrant’s’ conflict between the need to better integrate and the religious and cultural demands of their own communities. It is an auto-graphical ‘variety’ show where she explores these issues through 21 different characters including her Pakistani-born father. The show explores conflicts that come up through identity, sexuality and culture that Manzoor herself had to deal with growing up in her Pakistani family.

Christiane Amanpour quote

Written and produced by Manzoor, ‘Burq-Off!’ was one of the biggest selling Off Broadway shows of 2013.

Nadia Manzoor

Nadia Manzoor

Join us as we tweet live pics from her stage set up in Toronto and as she answers our followers’ questions live on twitter!

Host: @masalamommas

Co-Host: @NadiaPManzoor

When: March March 16 at 8:30-9:30PM EST

Hashtag: #BurqOff


More about Nadia

Nadia Parvez Manzoor is an actor, writer and producer. She spent her earlier years in a Pakistani Muslim home in North London and has since moved from Singapore to Dubai, from Boston to her home base in Brooklyn. In the past year, she has created and acted in the web series Shugs and Fats. She has had sold-out runs of her one woman show, Burq Off!, in New York, LA, San Francisco and London.

Nadia Manzoor

Manzoor graduated from Boston University with an M.A. in social work, where her passion was to merge the arts and social reform. Her one woman show, Burq Off!, is a manifestation of this intention.

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