Favourite Looks 2014: Zahra Sandberg’s Closet


Heritage_S_Green_Dress2014 has been a whirlwind of a year for me. The biggest change would definitely be leaving my full-time job in order to have more time at home with my son. It took two years of trying to balance blogging with work and family time, with no assurance that anything would actually pan out, but I finally got to a point where the blog was bringing in enough income that could finally take the leap.

I am now even more of a believer that you can do anything you want to do – it is just a matter of following your intuition, working hard, and believing in yourself enough to not give up.

Last year my New Year’s resolution was to be more present and to really focus my energy on anything I did. I have always been a multi-tasker, something I even used to brag about, but I realized that instead of doing anything well, I was just doing lots of things really poorly.

While I don’t think I have completely mastered the skill of always being present, I think I have taken some major strides. I now try to have more moments without the noise of social media, like during meal times and play time with my son, and I try to compartmentalize my day so that I make sure to accomplish the things I want to that day.

So for 2015, I am going to stick with the same resolution and try to get even better at appreciating everything life has to offer. Rather than going through my daily routine in autopilot, I’m going to try to remember to stop and smell the roses. After all, as the saying goes, tomorrow is not guaranteed and today is a gift, which is why it is called the ‘present’.

Here is a round-up of my favorite looks from 2014, cheers to a safe and Happy New Year!




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