South Asian Beauty and Health: A Personal Story


By Kavita Suri


Kavita SuriThat moment when you really give a hard look at yourself in the mirror. It was the hard times that made you selfless and you then noticed three years have passed on anD so have your pant and dress sizes.

Today I write a personal note to all my Masalamommas. It was in June 2011 that I was on an ultimate high in my career.  I was setting up a proposal with Wal-Mart to open up Medical Spa’s and I was selected as the lead make up artist for IIFA – Star TV. Following the end of the craziness in June of 2011 I was met with a serious car accident that left me on bed rest for two weeks and a car that was a complete write off.

My emotions had me strung out as I was forced to slow down and not work as hard due to my pain threshold. It was time for me to take care of my body but with limits in my mind. I struggled with this concept for two years. I gave up on my physical and healthy lifestyle and only focused on getting through the days by working and talking to friends about my struggles.

I would cry at the sight of how my body was changing and how I was gaining weight.  I would resist getting help because I never ask for help so it was difficult for me to face that. They say timing is everything and it sure was for me in December 2013 when I hit my absolute lowest point and I was not going to just let this lifestyle of mine to continue.  I just could not see myself spiral down this unhealthy path anymore.

January 2014 marked a New Year for many but for me it was more than that. It was time for me to “Do Me”; to take action and be patient with it. Through a personal trainer friend of mine I came across the Wheat Belly Guide and educated myself on what a “Healthy Lifestyle” really is as I don’t believe in excessive working out or crash diets. I wanted my life back and most of all my body. I spent two weeks kicking off the No Wheat and Clean eating Challenge.

The first couple of days it was hard but nothing I couldn’t handle. The most challenging part was the outside chatter of “you can’t live without wheat-roti…this is not a realistic way of living etc.” I was determined to show others and myself that YES we don’t need wheat and YES to eliminate the crap in our diet. I kept reminding myself and others around me that your health is your WEALTH.

Kavita Suri

Beauty Editorealth is Your Wealth.

Now that I had my eating in check I was ready to kill it with my body but wanted to challenge myself by myself. I came across this Fitness Challenge – 30 Day Squat Challenge – I was like, ‘oh this I can do’ “250 Squats” whoohoo.

I decided to share my agony of my weight gain on my personal Facebook Page and it caused a wild fire between men and women as everyone was looking to get back in shape.  I guess I wasn’t the only one that took a hard look at myself in the mirror and wanted that change.

The post on FB created a movement for my brand and my business without it even it being in the plans.  The Universe works in the most curious ways. I have always been shy about how curvy body because ‘typically’ as a South Asian girl we are to be stick skinny with no hips, when in fact the average South Asian Girl is just that: beautiful and curvy. I was ready to put myself out there to show the industry that YES curves are HOT and YES we can flaunt it with class. I was pushed to start a lifestyle and fitness challenges because of the amount of women seeking help from me and the rest is history.  Five months later, I am in the exact place I visioned myself. It took patience, support and love, but I DID IT.

Through all of this madness and joy I have created a “Wellness and Beauty” Coaching program for you all to join on.
Here are my Top 3 Tips:
1) Be realistic with your health/wellness/fitness goals. If it was a span of two years that you may have put on 15 pounds then it would take a good year to take it off the right way.

2) Don’t be over excessive in your diet and fitness kick. Be Patient with your body, as you don’t want to hit a plateau quickly.

3) Don’t use the scale as your measuring tool for your weight loss. I like to coach my clients with either a pair of pants or measuring tape.

As I take a deep breath closing this personal note I think about how blessed we are and how many people need to take a moment to appreciate their bodies no matter what shape you have, I am talking about taking care of it inside first than working on the outside.

To the best of health always…Your Health is your Wealth remember that!!!


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  1. Sarah Khan

    I love your tip about time! We are often so focused on the weight loss happening quickly because we see all of these unbelievable claims on TV and in magazines. But to do it RIGHT, and in a way that is sustainable, it takes TIME. Patience, and kindness to yourself is absolutely key. Thank you for sharing your story! There were many pieces I could personally relate to.

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