Getting Your Shoulders in Shape for Summer

Pump Iron

By Binu Dhindsa @zumbawithbinu & online at:

shoulders; fitness

Shape UR Life Columnist

I get asked all the time how to shape up certain body parts. “What is the best exercise to tone my arms?” is one of the most popular questions. With tank top season coming, getting shoulders into shape is on my mind.

Whether you have weddings coming up and have a sleeveless salvaar kameez to show off, or a new strapless sari blouse, getting those shoulders working will help you feel great all summer.   With proper nutrition and weight bearing exercises, you will get those shapely shoulders you have always wanted in no time. So let’s talk shoulder exercises.


As we age, we find we have more of an interest in strengthening our arms. One reason is because we find ourselves carrying more flab in our arms. Secondly, we are starting to become aware of our bone density and muscle strength.   If you are new to resistance training, starting with light weights is a good way to go.


Light weights will help build up your muscular endurance. As you get more comfortable with the exercises and begin to feel stronger, you can start lifting heavier weights to really start shaping your shoulders. One of my favourite starter shoulder routines is in this video courtesy of


These videos are great to follow as the hardest part is just pressing play. All you need is a mat and a set of 5lb dumbbells. I recommend doing this routine twice a week, say on a Tuesday and a Friday. Once you have done this for a few weeks or even a month, you can move on to heavier weights. To get muscle definition and give more shape to the shoulders, we need to lift heavier weights. Form is very important when lifting heavier weights over our heads. Pump Iron


You want to remember to keep your feet flat on the floor and not sway your body. I always tell my class participants to slightly bend their knees to support their lower back and to contract their abdominal muscles while doing any of the moves.   This next set of videos is for those ready to take on heavier weights.


Videos for each move are attached to the link. You want to aim for the right amount of weight where the last three repetitions are hard to finish. It might be 8, 10 or 12lb dumbbells, depending on your level.

Let’s get started to get those arms ready for spring and summer.


Binu’s Favourite Shoulder Exercises: Shoulders

Do each of the three exercises below for 12 repetitions. After you have finished all three, take a 30 second break and repeat. You can repeat this up to 3 times. Do this routine 2 to 3 times a week.



1. Overhead Dumbbell Press


[vsw id=”B-aVuyhvLHU” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]


2. Seated Bent Over Raise


[vsw id=”totyXXOYPRY” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]   Happy Spring!

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