Things You Didn’t Know About Your Baby’s Cord Blood



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Parents-to-be are usually bombarded with information about the different products and services they must purchase to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. From prenatal vitamins to genetic testing, the list seems endless and it can be overwhelming and exhausting for new parents. In addition, parents may often start looking into long term planning and debate options for life insurance, RESP’s and…. whether or not to save their baby’s cord blood.   bigstock_Matty_M_pregnant_6864678

As with all important decisions, we should carefully research the subject and educate ourselves on the options and merits of cord blood & tissue stem cell banking, before making an informed decision. If you are considering cord blood and tissue stem cell banking, it is important to consider these six facts about Cord Blood and Tissue stem cells:

1.    Your baby’s Cord Blood has life-saving capabilities:

Cord blood is the blood remaining in the placenta and umbilical cord after a baby is delivered. It is a rich source of stem cells with regenerative capabilities, which could potentially replace critical stem cells in tissues all over the body that may have been destroyed or damaged by a  disease.

Some examples for which cord stem cells are used today are: the treatment of leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s Disease, anemias, various other cancers, blood diseases, hereditary/genetic conditions and immune system disorders. We are on the verge of being able to use these stem cells to fight lung cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, AIDS, strokes, spinal cord damage, diabetes, cerebral palsy, kidney disease, and many other diseases.

2.    Your baby’s cord blood can also be used to help other family members combat life-threatening diseases

The stem cells from the Cord Blood are a perfect match for your baby and there is a possibility that other members of your immediate family could also benefit from them.

dreamstime_xxl_26969603.    Cord Blood stem cells are preferable to using Bone Marrow stem cells.

Cord Blood stem cells are readily available for your family to use. Unlike bone marrow stem cells, Cord Blood stem cells are more flexible. They easily adapt to a person’s body after a transplant, are less likely to be rejected, and they do not require to be a perfect match.

4.    Just a small amount of cord blood cells packs a powerhouse of essential stem cells that could be a medical resource.

There is a common misconception that cord blood won’t have enough cells to treat adults. Many adults have already benefited from cord blood transplantation all over the world, and with cell expansion techniques becoming available; there is always the possibility of growing more cells if needed. With rapid advances in the field of stem cell medicine, it is possible that your baby’s stem cells could be useful for many other medical applications.

5. Cord blood cells are ethically derived and do not compromise potential human life.

Unlike the use of embryo-derived cells, cord blood collection and storage is not controversial or ethically charged in any way. Cord blood and Tissue stem cells are routinely discarded, and their collection and banking does not compromise potential human life. The collection is safe, painless and simple process.

6. The umbilical cord tissue is a rich source of another type of stem cell, mesenchymal stem cells (Peristem™). img_woman_awareness

In addition to banking your baby’s cord blood sample, parents now have the option of storing a second type of stem cell isolated from the umbilical cord tissue.  This emerging technology called PeristemTM is in the forefront of stem cell science and holds great promise in the Regenerative Medicine field.

PeristemTM stem cells, also known as tissue stem cells, are the building blocks of the structural tissues of our bodies (bone, cartilage, muscle, fiber and fat). PeristemTM has the potential to be used in the treatment of many different medical conditions, such as heart disease, degenerative arthritis, Diabetes Type 1, Crohn’s disease and in tissue regeneration and repair in cases of burns and birth defects.

Storing both Cord Blood and PeristemTM stem cells could allow doctors to treat a wider range of diseases and could enhance current treatment such as bone marrow transplantation. PeristemTM stem cell banking is offered exclusively at CReATe Cord Blood Bank.


#CreateCord Chat March 12 @ 2pm EST

#CreateCord Chat March 12 @ 2pm EST

Join us for a #CreateCord twitter chat on March 12 at 2pmEST for things you need to know about having a baby for the first time, what you should know about your baby’s birth and more! During the chat one random winner will be chosen to win a free Peristem kit.  LBS-HE 01232013 KIT BOX IMAGE







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