The Timeless Butter Chicken Recipe For Moms Without Time



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Do you remember that one chicken dish you’d always seek out at weddings, on weekends with your family and the one that your mom or dad always got just right? Yup, butter chicken was always a staple at our family friends’ gatherings and was a hit at my wedding too. It’s the first dish you go for because of its familiar taste an tried and true recipe. But for me, making it is another story altogether.

Butter chicken (or murgh makhani) is part of Indian cuisine, and known all over the world. According to this historical look at the dish, ‘The origins of butter chicken can be traced back to New Delhi. Butter chicken is regarded to have been first introduced by a restaurant called Moti Mahal, located in Daryaganj.”

Here’s a fun fact you may not have known: A chef named Simon Mahli Chahal first prepared this when he only had half of a Tandoori chicken which he tossed with liberal amounts of butter, tomato, and garam masala to improvise for a delicious delicacy he was supposed to make for the ruler of Mareelun. He forgot to buy enough ingredients so he ended up with this dish.

sauce-spicybutterchickenThere’s nothing like butter chicken with naan or a little bit of rice, and Pataks Canada has a timeless recipe for Spicy butter chicken without all the effort and hours you may not have in your day.

It’s a mom’s best secret weapon after a crazy work week, just add  Patak’s Spicy Butter Chicken Sauce and you’re cooking!

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1 tbsp vegetable oil
3-4 medium sized chicken breasts, diced
1 jar of Patak’s Spicy Butter Chicken Sauce


Heat 1 tbsp vegetable oil in a large pan
Add 3 or 4 diced, medium sized chicken breasts and stir fry until meat is sealed and browned (approx. 5 minutes)

Pour over the jar of sauce and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally

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