Setting Manageable Goals At Work For Success


By Vidya Venkatesh, MM @ Work contributor,  @Vidav

bigstock-Back-to-work-post-it-on-wooden-27130640NYE 2014 has mostly faded in our memories, that frantic making of New Year’s resolutions, and the resolve to keep those resolutions – well, that is also mostly fading away, isn’t it?

As most of us South Asian moms try to do it all – fuel our careers, care for our families, and so on, it is all too easy to get mired in the daily rut and forget about our big picture, longer term goals.

Join me as I share my goals for making 2014 a fulfilling, successful one –

        1.     I resolve to fuel my thirst to continually learn by harnessing the power of e-learning – with resources such as Coursera, today we have the ability to study for the joy of it, rather than just taking courses to complete a degree.

We take our whole selves to work, and increasing our knowledge base beyond what we’ve learned in university courses turns us into well-rounded, and overall more interesting people to work with.

For those of us that are time-constrained and still want to learn, options like Khan Academy and Ted Talks have numerous short talks on several topics of interest, find one that speaks to your interests and you’ll find yourself getting lost in the pursuit of knowledge.

2.     I resolve to re-think work-life balance by setting clearer boundaries.

Happy Workaholics Need Boundaries, Not Balance,” as mentioned in this article. Today, many of us choose to work well beyond 8 hours a day, mostly fueled by our own passion and desire. In order to protect ourselves and ensure that we are truly present mentally as well, both at work and at home, it is crucial for us to set better boundaries and respect the ones that those around us, have set.

I am making a conscious effort to stay connected with my kids while I spend time with them, and not succumb to the beeps and buzzes of my cell phone, I think they’re seeing a happier less distracted mom, and I’m enjoying my time with them as well as time spent away from them.

MM@Work Contributor

MM@Work Contributor

        3.     I resolve to stay positive and cut out negative influences, both from within myself, as much as from around me. So many of us women tend to be so harsh on ourselves, always expecting more than what we can comfortably deliver, and chiding ourselves when everything does not go so-perfect. I am making a sincere effort to cut out all the noise in my life, be it that nagging negative voice inside me, or that nay-saying aunty who is judging my parenting choices, and believing in myself to do the best, always. I’m starting my day with a positive thought and Prayer, and will be making on a simple yoga routine part of my morning ritual soon.

 Seated Twist

         4.     I resolve to grab a seat at the table and voice my ideas and suggestions, without overly analyzing if my contribution would be worthy and welcome. Believing in my strengths and abilities, it’s time to grab opportunities and trust that I’ll learn by doing, rather than holding myself back, thinking that I’m not ready fully when that next big opportunity stares at my in the face.

5.     I resolve to celebrate the small joys and simple pleasures that my life has to offer, without comparing it with an ideal picture or that of someone else’s. Social media has us believing that folks around us are living a perfect life with well-kept hair and nails, utterly well-behaved kids who excel in everything, perfect clean homes, et al.  Rather than feeling inadequate about my own life, we’ve started a tradition of making a note of one special family moment each day and storing those notes in a box which we’ll open on once a year. This habit is helping me end each day feeling so blessed and grateful for what I have.

What are your goals for 2014? Do share, let us all resolve to help each other rise above the daily struggles of survival, and truly thrive.

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