Fashion Brands That Made an Impact in 2013

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanvii & online at:

Style Contributor

Style Contributor

We know social Media has made its mark when the mainstream brands around the globe are using their resources to make a statement and to even take a stand!

Social Media was used to its optimum potential in 2013. Few of the landmark campaign from around the world that made ripples all across the globe are:

  • Pantene (Philippines) took a stand on gender inequality in the work place and society as a whole. They pride themselves in being a ‘woman-centric’ brand hence it was right on-point for them to unmask the double standards that exist which, over time, people have come to accept as a norm. With the help of social media the campaign gained momentum and crossed borders, resonating with women worldwide.
Have a look below and decide for yourself:
Pantene –  

[vsw id=”kOjNcZvwjxI” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]


  • Dove has been famous for decades for its positive and re-enforcing ad campaigns which always feature real women with real bodies. Hence, it comes as no surprise that they would use their resources and creativity in addressing one of the biggest issues looming over women world over: BODY IMAGE! This (below) compelling social experiment highlights how most women view their bodies and appearances. This became one of the most shared and blogged about campaigns in 2013.


Dove –


 [vsw id=”XpaOjMXyJGk” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]



  • Tanishq is a luxury jewelry brand in India. In the country, which is obsessed with fairness cremes and lotions and where most (if not all) ad campaigns are around ‘fair skin’, Tanshiq took a bold step (and a huge risk) by choosing a dusky model for their project. However, their story of bravado doesn’t end here. They also picked the subject of ‘re-marriage’ for their campaign which is unheard of and has to be a first for any mainstream Indian brand. This is a good example of how social media is a tool of brands which can help them take a stand and make a difference in their society. It can help brands change the mindset of their audience, even if it is one-at-a-time.




[vsw id=”P76E6b7SQs8″ source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]


Social Media definitely has its short comings, but with companies using it wisely to help social causes and bring light to issues which get buried in documentaries and journals it is proving to be quite a boon when it matters!

What are your thoughts on Social Media and how has it impacted you?





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