Key Winter Vitamins


By Deborah Lowther

Sponsored by Adultessentials
ae_button_300x250The weather outside is frightful and the germs inside are (not so) delightful! This time of year everyone seems to be coming down with a cold or flu and if you are not protecting your immune system, you could be next!Certain vitamins are more important to ensure you are getting enough in the winter months versus the summer.

We are indoors more, we are less active, and we eat less fresh fruits and salads.  Winter brings cozy nights by the fire and comfort foods like chili and beef stew.This winter stay healthy and boost your immune system by making sure you are supplementing your diet with plenty of Vitamins A,B,C,D and E.  These vitamins are found in many foods you regularly enjoy in the summer, but may pass by during the cold winter months.

Stock up or consider a supplement if you want to avoid the winter cold.
Vitamin A
bigstock-Vegetables-in-a-fridge--38849764Vitamin A improves the function of your white blood cells, increases your resistance to infections and keeps the defenses of your mucous membranes on high alert. Vitamin A usually comes from animal food sources, but can be found called in sweet potatoes, turkey liver, carrots, canned pumpkin and squash. Think of dark green and orange vegetables when trying to increase your vitamin A.
Vitamin B 

The B vitamins are a team that works together to keep you healthy. Specifically, Vitamin B6 strengthens immune function, Vitamin B2 helps to resist bacterial infections and Vitamin B12 increases cell growth and division.  B vitamins are found in everything from lean meats, poultry, eggs, dairy, and dark leafy greens. A healthy diet and a B-Complex supplement will ensure you are getting enough.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C and your immune system are often thought to go hand in hand. Working with other nutrients, Vitamin C combats bacteria and infections by increasing the production of white blood cells. Also a great antioxidant. Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, red and green peppers, tomatoes, juice, broccoli and greens.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays a significant role in activating the body’s immune defenses.  In the summer your exposed skin will absorb the suns rays and produce Vitamin D, but in the winter we are bundled up, indoors more and there are less daylight hours so the chance of getting Vitamin D naturally is slim.  Add to that, the fact that no fruits and only one vegetable (mushrooms!)contain any vitamin D at all and your chances of getting vitamin D from food sources is also reduced.  Look for fortified diary and juices, fatty fish like salmon, or consider a vitamin D gummy with at least 1000IU’s of this immune boosting supplement.bigstock-salmon-fillet-on-the-grill-wit-31733213

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant who’s main job is to prevent cell damage by free radicals (bacteria and viruses) as it strengthens the immune system to help you fight off the germs and avoid the common cold. Good dietary sources include green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, nuts, seeds and oils.


More about AdultEssentials and IronKids Gummy vitamins:

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