Food Editor and Writer: Nisha Vedi Pawar

Our Food Editor and Food Writer: Nisha Vedi Pawar!

A  little mirch, a dash of laughter and a lotta love makes this foodie the perfect addition to our Mirch Masala Section!

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Food Editor/Writer

Food Editor/Writer

Growing up in a home with two wonderful chefs, who were always experimenting with food, farming and flavors, Nisha reaped the benefits of fresh and diverse dishes while growing up. Mealtime was often a family affair where more often than not the next meal was being planned. After getting married and moving to the New York City area, she found herself trying to recreate that ‘home cooked taste’ in all her dishes, and enjoying her time in the kitchen. Her culinary journey and aptly titled blog; Love Laugh Mirch, began as a place to document the construction of her new home, new marriage, and her experiments in the kitchen cooking for her Hubby Darling.

Nisha is no stranger to the masalamommas community, as her previous roles have included contributor and NYC events reporter and most recently, she helped launch the ‘New Mom Guide’.

This year Nisha’s family added one and she also became mom to a ‘little mirchi’ and is ready to prepare home cooked meals for her adorable daughter (once her taste buds are ready for it of course!), just like her parents did for her when she was growing up. As a result she entered the blogging world to learn and share.

“Love Laugh Mirch – A need to feed a tummy & a soul.”, is a blog that primarily focuses on her culinary adventures while she experiments with anything from cupcakes to curry. Nisha’s primary influences have always been the food her parents prepared for her growing up.

She’s won several accolades too!

Second Place Winner in Brooklyn Brewery’s The Jersey Relief Experiment Cook Off: A cook off to benefit the Rebuild Hoboken Fund after Hurricane Sandy

Featured on for The Strawberry Covered Chocolate Cupcake  and for Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookes


Her blog also provides restaurant reviews and construction updates (the trials and tribulations while her and husband build their first home.) On Masalamommas Nisha is looking forward to sharing recipes, time-saving tips, kitchen stories and more for South Asian moms everywhere!


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