Up Close & Personal with National TV Personality, Sangita Patel


By Angie Seth, Contributor, ‘Newsmomma’  @kateygoalie


Photo: Courtesy Sangita Patel

Last year in January, Maslamommas sat down with Sangita Patel, mother of two daughters and then TV Weather Specialist for a story to talk about her life as a mom, juggling the demands of work, family, and culture. 

Each and everyday Sangita, in her charismatic way would let viewers know what mother nature had in store for them as she presented the seven day forecast.

Well today, things have changed quite a bit for Sangita who went from beloved weather specialist on City News in Toronto to now interim Co-host of ET Canada in March 2013. 

2013 Nominee

2013 Nominee

She is currently filling in for long time ET Canada host Cheryl Hickey, who is on maternity leave. Sangita has already racked up the air miles travelling all over the world interviewing big time Celebrities, and even covering the Royal birth!  We decided to check in with Sangita on this life career change has impacted her vision for her career and her life as a working a mom of two as an example of how a job change can impact motherhood. We asked her about how being a national personality now has changed things for her personally and professionally.

In this up close and personal interview, Sangita talks to Angie Seth about this and the importance of having a strong, supportive husband.

Angie: Co-hosting ET Canada is quite a different spin from doing the weather, what was the transition like for you?


Photo: Courtesy Sangita Patel


Sangita: I have been pretty blessed in my career where I got to explore many different areas of the business. Before starting weather I actually did lifestyle and entertainment for Rogers! But at the time with the love of math and science and media, weather seemed the right path.

At Citytv not only did I do weather but I was the backup for live eyes and weather on BT, life style stories and most recently the entertainment reporter for Ent City. Hence the transition was pretty smooth! But I still check the radar everyday!


Angie: What is a typical day like for you? How have things changed?

Sangita: It’s kind of wierd but I work a normal full time job (9 to 5:30) BUT it can be adventurous from doing studio shoots to doing interviews with some of the biggest celebs in Canada and the world! I do miss dropping my kids off at school but it’s amazing having family time on the weekends now! Travel time is a bit crazy takes me about 1 hr and 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening… but I still cook dinner! I love cooking!



Photo: Courtesy Sangita Patel

Angie: From the stories you cover, and the interviews that you do, travel plays a big role. How do you juggle the demands?


Sangita: It’s not easy, in the last three months I have travelled to Nashville, New York, Washington, Vienna Austria, Monte Carlo… I am blessed to have help while I am away from my kids. Oh and I Skype every evening with the family to say good night




Angie: So how often do you have to travel and what’s it like without the kids?

Sangita: I was fine at the idea being away two days…it took a lot out of me to be away that long! And I was put to the test when I left them for a week during my trip to Monte Carlo. I had so much anxiety that I asked my in-laws to travel from Calgary to be with them. It’s never easy for a parent.

Angie: How do you make up time with the kids when you come home?


Photo: Courtesy Sangita Patel


Sangita: Every trip I buy a gift…give them a token the minute I see them. I love to cuddle with them and we spend a lot of time just doing that. Sitting on the sofa listening to their stories, singing, reading and even watch a show…as long as I am holding them, I’m happy!


Angie: You are a career Mom – how do you juggle family life and the demands of the job?


Sangita: Keep calm and stop feeling so guilty about leaving the kids. My hubby is my best friend and we have such a strong and supportive relationship. I make sure I spend as much time with the kids and just cuddle them!

Angie: How important is the role of one’s spouse – having that support?


Sangita: I AM SO BLESSED! He is so supportive; he always says to enjoy this time. He knows it’s hard for me to be away from the kids. He really is my best friend and we work really well together…we have a great team!

Angie: How are your kids reacting to mom’s new career?


Sangita: Funny question – they don’t seem to really notice, aside from more makeup and being dressed up! However, Ava misses my weather reports!

Angie: You’re a role model for so many women and girls – what is your message to them as a professional? As a mom?


Sangita: Wow a role model…really? I think for me it’s about being happy. Always find a path that will make you happy. Keep committed and focus. I love being a mom and in the last year I realize you are a mom and you have little ones dependent on you but you always need to take care of yourself. If you don’t you and everyone around you will be miserable.

Angie: Back to your new gig … so what’s your best ET Canada moment so far?

Sangita: Oh my – Everything. I love doing interviews, chatting with people and listening. You learn so much! My favorite interview so far has to be with Lady Antebellum.

Angie:  Worst moment on ET Canada?

Sangita: Wearing High heels everyday!sangitastudio3-1

Angie: And finally, Cheryl Hickey will be back hosting ET Canada sometime in the fall, so what’s next for you?


Sangita: I have no idea! But next major event with ET Canada is the Toronto International Film Festival – it’s going to be crazy!



You can catch Sangita Co-Hosting ET Canada, alongside Rick Campanelli, weeknights at 7:30pm on Global.  Follow her on twitter @sangita_patel. Learn more about Sangita in this video.




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