Nurturing Global Female Leaders: Women at the Ritz


womenatritz1Whether you’re a mom or  a mom-to-be, you’ve inevitably come to a crossroads sometime in your life. Did you find you were a leader or a follower? More and more women are taking advantage of opportunities but often we don’t nurture ourselves along the way to sustain those leaps we make. We as moms often put ourselves last on the list of priorities. That’s where making a point of finding events or networking groups can make a difference.

Selma Lalji co-founded one such group called Women At the Ritz and talks to us about the inspiration behind the group her upcoming event on Jun 10th. All masalamommas receive a special discount to attend the event with a special promo code . Enter “watr13” to receive special pricing! To purchase tickets and for further details, please visit


 What is the philosophy behind Women at the Ritz?

  1. We represent the global feminine leader who is dealing with today’s changing climate. We help her connect to life’s dreams and purpose and help her understand the power of her feminine qualities in initiating the change that will support a sustainable and more loving planet for us and our future generations. There has never been a better time for us to rise up to the opportunity to change the world through Feminine Leadership.


  1.  What inspired you to launch this initiative?  I have been looking for an event like Women at the Ritz for years – a luxurious world-class event that paid attention to every detail, which would make me feel nurtured and set me on a course to create real change. I couldn’t find a global event series such as this, so I co-founded it with Fatma Zaidi. An important part of my journey to create this initiative was my own personal transformation over the past two years, where I found the personal strength to change the where I lived, my career, my health and my relationships to move back to Canada from the UK to work on what I am passionate about. I know what it takes to step into my feminine leadership, and transform my entire life.   My company, Delight Leadership and the Women at the Ritz event series that Fatma and I co-founded have been designed to deliver what women need in light of our experiences and of the women around us.   There is magnificence in what I like to call the ‘butterfly effect of feminine leadership’. The beauty of supporting women is that it is in our nature to help each other and our families, in turn.  

Who is the event for? What can we expect from it?

This event is for every woman who feels that our message resonates with her. It is an event for all who want to be dazzled for an evening and receive support beyond the event. By attending Women at the Ritz women will be instantly connected to our world – our insights, our future events and our collaborative global community.  You can expect to experience a kind of event that you have not seen or experienced before. Every detail, from the flowers, the scent that perfumes the air, the gifts you will receive, the food you will get to savour has been carefully planned out with your experience in mind. We have created a high vibration space where realizations, breakthroughs and inspiration can thrive; all you have to do is arrive with an open heart and mind.     Action Changes Things Acronym

We have attracted businesswomen, mothers, graduates, teachers, career professionals, artists and those who are joining us for a lovely evening. Our event thrives on diversity and does not exclude anyone, even men (some of whom have asked to support us). We are grateful for everyone’s warm response and love!

How are the roles of feminine leaders changing in your opinion? Do you think young women are adequately encouraged to become female leaders?

In a world dominated by masculine leadership and traditional paradigms that do not completely support women, it is important to raise awareness of what feminine leadership is and to show women that each of us has the ability to change the world. The role of the feminine leader is changing in that she is being asked to step into her power and showcase her brilliance, which Delight Leadership and Women at the Ritz aim to inspire women to achieve.

It is important to set an example for young women, to allow them to understand the power of collaboration, connection, compassion and other hallmarks of feminine leadership that are not readily taught or seen today. It is time for the world to harness the ability of feminine leadership to transform our workplaces and lives as a whole – this is a resource that is untapped in our world today. All of us can benefit from seeing brilliant examples of feminine leadership in its true form (i.e. women not taking on masculine qualities in order to succeed)

How is Women at the Ritz different from other leadership events?

Follow The Leader on BlackboardI find that I leave many leadership events asking the question, ‘what next? ‘. While I may have been inspired for a short while and met a few new people, I tend to forget the messaging of standard leadership events and move on, not applying any new principles or practices to my life to improve it.

Women at the Ritz is a global event series that guides women through a focused approach which includes hearing inspiring modules and taking part in self-discovery exercises, allowing women to leave our event with a plan. This helps our feminine leaders make the decision of taking a step towards creating real change in their lives. Our feminine leaders will be instantly connected to a circle of support that includes on-going communication, newsletters and forums to ensure that all can interact with myself, my co-founder, Fatma Zaidi and each other after the event ends.

Fatma and I have always aspired to create events that were unique and provided a level of attention to detail that we have not encountered elsewhere. We have both wanted to attend events that have a mind, body, spirit approach with the intention that attendees are nurtured on all levels. With Women of the Ritz we have taken this concept and presented it at a world-class level. Our events truly nurture the heart and celebrate the feminine essence of today’s woman. I believe that the combination of all of these elements together make us truly unique.

As women, we go through various stages of life with various needs. How can we keep ourselves inspired and current when it comes to learning what it takes to be a leader?   

I recently delivered a Webinar sharing 9 Practices of Successful Feminine Leaders with Fatma and our guest speaker on June 10th, Anastasia Valentine. We emphasized the importance of self-care and taking the time to nurture yourself. These are essential ingredients to ensure ongoing growth and care for a woman in any stage of her life. At Women at the Ritz, we say that “leadership starts first with yourself”. Working at home

A woman who takes the time to love and nurture herself will be strong enough to empower others and transform the world around her. This is part of the essence of feminine leadership. Having a circle of support is important as well – so find a mentor or coach that embodies the vision you have for yourself.

This is someone who you feel aligned with and who can support you in your growth and expansion of the place you are in right now. Attend events that represent and nurture your feminine essence so that your needs are taken care of allowing you to serve the world in your own unique and beautiful way.


 What is the next step for Women at the Ritz? Where do you hope to see it go?

This is the inaugural event of a global series of annual events. Our next step will involve planning our next event and continuing the support for feminine leaders who need it.

We have seen strong interest in our event and work so far, with thousands of people interacting with us since our inception earlier this year. Our intention is to hold our events annually in every city of the world that calls for us (so far we have requests for Australia, across Canada, United States and Europe). As we continue to collaborate and expand we will see our global brand truly supporting today’s woman to impact and influence her family, community and the world in ways never explored before.

As we say at Women at the Ritz, “anything is possible, because you desire it”. WomenAtTheRitzLogo-NoTagline_PNG-500x306

We have a special promotion to thank MasalaMommas for their support. Enter promotional code “watr13” to receive special pricing! To purchase tickets and for further details, please visit We hope to see you at the Ritz-Carlton Toronto on June 10th, 2013!

Allow us to treat you to a special gift bag at the event, the chance to win giveaways from our supporters –

Certified Coaches Federation, Trend Trunk, Hello Baked, Chatelaine, Random House, Purdy’s Chocolates, GoodLife Fitness and many more.

selmaSelma Lalji is the Managing Director and CEO of Delight Leadership. She is the co-founder of Women at the Ritz, an event series that empowers feminine leaders to change the world. Selma has a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics (England) and worked for Deloitte UK as a management consultant. She is a Certified Coach Practitioner, specializing in Global Feminine Leadership Coaching, compassionately leading her clients through changes and transforming their lives so that they can live their true purpose and brilliance. |

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