Benefits of Hiring an Overseas Nanny


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Because there is a shortage of local live-in and live-out nannies across the country, Canadian families are seeking alternate ways to find someone to look after the most treasured of people, their children. The Federal Government’s Live-in Caregiver Program offers childcare solutions for many working families.

A foreign live-in caregiver offers many advantages:



Cultural Exchange: You can maximize the benefit of having a live-in nanny by taking advantage of the invaluable cultural exchange. Often, live-in caregivers come from diverse cultures so they can expose your children to different languages, traditions and customs. This can broaden your children’s horizons, enhance their knowledge, and enrich their education! This gives your entire family an intercultural opportunity that is mutually rewarding.


Availability– There is an abundance of international nannies all around globe that are more than ready to work for Canadian employers so parents can choose who is best suited for their children.


Affordability Live in caregivers are the most inexpensive childcare solution especially if there is more than one child; a nanny can be an economical alternative to registering two children in a daycare center. Parents get the value, service and quality at an affordable price! In most provinces, you start your live-in caregiver with a minimum wage; however, we highly recommend providing your nanny with regular raises.


Professional Foreign caregivers are even more sought after because they generally have extensive childcare qualifications. Many of them have nursing or medical backgrounds and years of experience. Parents can be assured that their children are taken care of by a qualified and experienced caregiver.


bigstock-Mother-holding-a-hand-of-his-s-30102413Commitment-Foreign live-in caregivers are allowed to apply for their Permanent Residence Status upon completion of 2 years of full-time work. As such, they would ideally prefer to stay with one employer if possible. They are dedicated to their jobs as long as they are treated fairly, with respect and paid as per provincial labour standards. If your family is looking for consistent care and a long-term commitment, a foreign live-in caregiver is your best bet. And you never know, if she becomes a part of your family, she may simply stay longer if needed.


Flexibility Working parents need flexible childcare arrangements, especially for those last minute emergencies, meetings or unexpected over time. As such, live in caregivers can provide families the benefit of flexibility. A live-in caregiver works on your schedule which is set by you and it depends on individual needs and requirements.


Families should be advised that if they are considering going down this route-they need to plan ahead! Depending on country of origin, processing times can vary from 6-8 months.


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