What’s On Your Plate? By Zannat Reza

Zannat HR web

Columnist: Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Tips & More!

Nutrition ColumnistMasalamommas

Nutrition Columnist

I am thrilled to be the nutrition expert for Masalamommas. My approach to healthy eating is simple. It focuses on food and the pleasure of eating. You don’t need a PhD in nutrition to eat well.

Most of the nutrition advice out there is filled with talk about nutrients, counting calories and servings. I mean, seriously, who has time for that? I also don’t believe in diets. Going on a diet implies that you’re coming off it in the future. And you don’t need to shop at a specialty health food store to eat well.

My vision for this column is to serve up delicious food ideas and highlight tips and tricks to dial-up the health factor in your favourite foods. As a mother of two young children (ages 5 and 9), I also understand what it’s like to deal with picky eaters while trying to expose them to a variety of cuisines. I hope my suggestions will also make a difference on the home front.


More about Zannat Reza is a nutritionist with a twist. She focuses on promoting delicious foods rather than talking about nutrients. As a registered dietitian, she has specialized in communications for over 15 years. She is a partner at citrus and one-half of the Fab Food Finds blog.

Zannat also contributes to the Toronto Star’s The Dish column, and was the nutrition expert on CBC’s Steven and Chris show (seasons 1 and 2). A compulsive recipe tweaker, she regularly tries out new recipes on her family. Zannat brings her passion for good food, health and happiness to Masalamommas.

Born in Bangladesh, she left at the age of two and was a global nomad until moving to Canada as a teenager.

Follow, mom, Zannat on Masalamommas for all your nutrition tips!

You can follow her on twitter at: @food4happiness

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