New Year, New You, New Job


By Shweta Jacob @shwetajacob & online:

MM @ Work Columnist

MM @ Work Columnist

Happy New Year Masalamommas!

Hope everyone got some wonderful downtime and quality time with the family recently. Wait. Who am I kidding? If you’re a Momma there is no downtime. EVER!

But I digress, because this column isn’t about how frantic our lives are. It’s about

the Working Momma. If you read my inaugural post (if you haven’t, do so now….I

will wait) you know that I was lucky enough to start a new job in September and I’m

sure there are many mommas out there who have resolved to find a new job in the new

year. I also know the biggest question on everyone’s mind is “what to wear to that

dreaded job interview”.


Well ladies all you need to do is remember the 3 C’s.

Clean –

Your outfit must be wrinkle free, stain free, dirt free.

If this means wrapping your kids hands in disinfecting wipes so they don’t make you dirty, then so be it. Nails should not have chipped polish or haldi stains and shoes shouldn’t have salt or mud.

Classic –

My personal philosophy is that your outfit shouldn’t detract from your message; your message being how you can add value to the organization.

Classic dress pants or skirt with a blazer or sweater will do the trick. If you wanna show a

little style, do so with your blouse or a cool accessory like bangles.


Comfortable –

This might seem counter-intuitive, but I don’t want you to feel itchy, restricted or wobbly in your outfit. I want you to feel like a confident, competent woman! Because what company doesn’t want to hire a confident, competent woman?


A few extra tips to commonly asked questions:

Open-toes shoes are generally okay as long as you aren’t interviewing somewhere über-conservative like a bank or law-firm. Piercings are fine in ears and nose so long as they are tasteful. Tattoos should be covered up if at all possible.


Some of you might feel that this focus on appearance is superficial, vain and has nothing to do with your qualifications. Well, I’m here to tell you that by showing you made an effort for your interview you are demonstrating that you will make an effort on the job.


Any specific questions? Feel free to ask below and good luck!




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