A Laundry Room Makeover

My Laundry Room is plain Jane…but the little things keep me happy

By Sundeep Sandhu @designwali & online at designwali.com

I don’t know about you guys, but hanging out in a laundry room is not my idea of fun.  Doing laundry for me in general is a downer, especially when you know your blasted laundry room is brimming full of laundry, disorganization and chaos.  So to improve my laundry room co-existence (because there will always be laundry) I decided to spruce it up with some highly functional basics and maybe a shot of design here and there.  No glamour shots here folks – this is a real life laundry room.


Get some hooks:

No joke, hanging simple hooks or a system of hooks can immediately give you that organization vibe. Now it helps if you train your kids/family members to actually hang up items on the hooks. My little ones have to hang their backpacks and on occasion where I need to ‘air dry’ an item…these hooks come in handy.







Upper Cabinets or any kind of closed storage:


Sounds basic, but when I moved in we did not get ANY cupboards in our sparse laundry room. So how are you suppose to hide the detergent, starch and other bits and bobs? I personally don’t like to see them in my sight. So husband was tasked to go out and find some cheap and cheerful uppers. Thank goodness he did…out of site and out of my stress zone.




Baskets Are Nice


All right, if any of you are like me you carry your laundry around in one of those functional plastic laundry baskets right? Absolutely, nothing wrong with it. But I find it useful to have a few good looking baskets in your space as well. I hide mittens & umbrellas in them and looking at them make me feel a little better.




Add some pretty


I probably need to do more of this in my laundry room. You know, fancy soap containers, add an under sink cover, pretty lights and maybe paint it a colour other than a blah beige. In the meantime however, I hung up some of my Ajanta Cave prints that my dad brought back from India.

Hands down, best part of my laundry room. I love that I have art in this room.  When I look at these prints – I think about actually visiting the ancient site one day (like my dad did) and marvel at them in person. Instantly makes me feel better – but then I look at the 8 loads I have to do and well, total buzz skill.

To make your laundry life a little happier a few quick functional and design fixes can really make a big difference. Now if only I could find some design fixes that would actually DO my laundry for me.

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