New York News: Aniika Helps Present Next Generation of Designers


By Nisha Vedi Pawar @lovelaughmirch and online at

NYC Reporter, Masalamommas

Indian trends can be seen everywhere in the fashion industry these days. Indian inspired makeup, shoes, and linens are all the latest rage. So when I had the opportunity to sit down with New York co-founder Meghana Rao of– I was intrigued!

Brand - Coppy Cat


About a year ago, Meghana left the corporate world to focus her attention on and what it could offer to its shoppers.  After establishing a hub with her co-founder in Bangalore, India she sourced up and coming designers and artists. Once products were selected, she came back to the states and tested the market place by selling the products in New York City Markets/Fairs to gauge what goods were in demand and continued to grow from there. 




Brand - Punarnawa crafts is a curated online bazaar that enables shoppers buy jewelry, home decor items, and accessories all created by emerging designers and artists with an Indian connection.

“We have created a niche against other online Indian stores by presenting the next generation of designers, who get the opportunity to showcase their limited-edition contemporary Indian creations. These designers are the future of India’s design industry” said Meghana Rao.

I had the chance to interview Meghana and got a chance to talk about their concept, designers, and how they work with their team in India to ensure the customer experience is seamless.

What inspired you to create 

Brand - Divya Chugh Jewellery

“I come from a long line of artists. Big Indian designers and artists are everywhere and easily accessible, but what about the designer just starting out? I saw there was nothing for new designers and artists, no platform for them to share and sell their work. I wanted to create a place where their work could be showcased and discovered outside of India.

How do you select which designers will work with Aniika?

 “Designers and Artists submit their interest to sell with us. We review their products for quality and pricing. We are very selective about products and think about what will appeal to buyers as we hand select each seller. Before a seller goes live on the site we ensure their inventory is in stock with us. We believe in quality over quantity.”

How does work for buyers?

“There is no member fee to buy from Members buy directly from the website and products are shipped directly from us. We have all products in stock so this way we are able to guarantee shipping and processing timing. Additionally, all products go through strict quality control, so sellers can rest assure that they are receiving high quality merchandise.”

Brand - Rang Accessories

What can we expect to see on Aniika?

 “We carry fashion forward items such as jewelry dipped in silver, hand crafted clutches, jute cushion covers, silk scarves, and more.  Our aim is to provide unique Indian inspired trends and products to the doorsteps of those that can’t take the trip to India.” 

As our interview concluded I couldn’t help but notice Meghana’s gorgeous wallet  which she proudly noted was from the website. You can experience the entire Aniika collection at
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