Staying Healthy, Active This Summer


By Deborah Lowther @kidsgummymum

Summer is finally here! That means vacations and family time. Maybe you have the campsites booked, a cottage week planned or are looking forward to a resort getaway; however you plan to enjoy the summer, spend some time getting active on your holidays.  Regardless if you are at a campsite or a 5 star resort, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy and active while on holidays:


Pack the running shoes for the whole family.

There will be trails, a beach, sidewalks and plenty of new ground to explore. Pack those runners and make time each day to get in a little exercise. An after breakfast jog, a pajama parade before bed with the kids. Search out the facilities for a small gym, weight room or marked trails. 30 minutes of activity everyday will give you the energy boost to feel great while having fun the rest of the day!


Bikes, swim suits and goggles, why not?

Going to a cottage? Camping? Staying home for the weekend? Get the bikes out of the garage, snap on those helmets and go exploring! If you are at a family Camp or a resort most have bikes to borrow or rent, go for it! A summer vacation almost always includes a body of water so why not take some goggles and do real swimming.  See if you can swim out to the dock as fast the kids or who can do more laps in the pool. 30 minutes of continuous swimming is great cardio and one workout you might even have to work up to!


Plan for healthy meals.

We all know holidays are for relaxing and enjoying a few more treats than normal; smores, chips, ice cream, popsicles, slushies and multiple snack time during the day are all part of holiday fun. Instead of missing out, try to add in planned healthy meals. Bring or order fruit for breakfast, salads full of vegetables for lunch and dinner packed with lean protein and nutrient rich grains. Enjoy snack time, but ensure your main meals are based on healthy choices.


Bring your vitamins.

On vacation we tend to break with our normal routines, and focus more on fun and relaxation than eating from all the food groups. Some holidays, like camping, you may not even have access to fresh fruits, vegetables or foods requiring refrigeration. For these types of holidays it is even more important to take your vitamins with you. A good multi vitamin supplies you with Vitamin A,B,C,D,E and folic acid, while Omega 3 supplements give you the fish oils you may not be getting while on holiday.


Get outside, tie up those runners, clip on that bike helmet, enjoy snack time between healthy meals and take your vitamins along for the fun. Stay healthy and get outside to enjoy an active summer!




More about Deborah Lowther:

Deb Lowther is a mother of 3 young daughters who, when not running after the kids, is running in the trails! She blogs about Raising Healthy Kids and ensures her own have fun while eating healthy & staying active. To read more articles you can visit her websites &

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