Moving from India To Canada, Mom Ruby Bagga Blogs on Motherhood

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For Punjabi mom, Ruby Bagga, it was the lack of information on various topics such as difficulty in conceiving and Indian myths around pregnancy that got her revved up to blog.  She and her husband moved to the Toronto area four years ago and now have a 19-month-old son. She says having a baby in Canada meant that they had to re-evaluate their lifestyle and customize their values and beliefs to suit the Canadian and Indian culture.  She started blogging after her son’s first birthday and has loved writing ever since. Bagga, is this week’s profile in our series on South Asian mom bloggers.

What do you blog about and why?

I started blogging after my son’s first birthday. Throughout my pregnancy and his first year, a thought kept gnawing at me that, there was very little information out there or being discussed by South Asians on the following issues:

Difficulty in conceiving – my first blog addresses this in  general.  Raising a child outside of India  I kept thinking about how difficult it is to raise a child without a family support system, being in Toronto, and how other families were coping with it. I decided to start a blog that would cover my whole experience with getting pregnant, pregnancy and raising my son, to document an Indian mom’s point of view and hopefully, help someone out there who may not have a support system in Toronto.

What inspires you to write? 

My son inspires me to write. Although, I have not been regular in blogging until recently, our day to day life over the past year and a half has given me enough fodder to write about! My blog chronicles an Indian mom’s point of view of motherhood…be it serious stuff such as conception or the humorous side of a nagging family.

Do you feel connected to the momblogger community?   

I absolutely feel 100% connected to the mom-blogger community. More so now, that I have had a chance to read some wonderful blogs that are out there. I definitely relate to quite a few of them and have started to realize that we moms are more similar than we are different, regardless of our background.

South Asian moms sometimes have different cultural challenges and expectations coming from a culture so heavily entrenched in family, have you ever blogged about cultural issues and what kind of response did you recieve?
Yes, I have blogged about cultural challenges being South Asian. However, since I have only recently started blogging, these have been more on the humorous side and have not addressed serious issues in our community. I would like to blog about the cultural issues and the difficulty that South Asian moms face in trying to raise a family in Canada, while holding on to values and beliefs from back home.

What role has social media played in your life?

I think in the past 2 years, social media has overtaken the more personal methods of social communication such as meeting or calling friends/family. Having said that, it has given me the ability to reconnect with friends that I’d lost touch with and maintain relationships while having a busy schedule, albeit virtually.

What misconceptions do you think are out there about South Asian moms?

A few that come to mind are: South Asian moms blindly follow rituals/traditions – moms nowadays  have taken a more laid back approach and are not following each and every   tradition that their parents may have followed.    We don’t have a voice and Masalamommas  has certainly contradicted this misconception. The other misconception is  we are typically home makers – Although, there is no job that  is more difficult and rewarding, South Asian moms are out there handling their  home, family and career fabulously.

You can follow Ruby Bagga at:  and on Twitter @Ruby_Bagga

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