Managing the daily Chaos of a being a Working Mom: Canada’s Ultimate Nanny Offers Tips

Robina article featured

We all know how the day just doesn’t have enough hours to get all you need to get done when it comes to being a working masalamomma. Sometimes thinking about dinner and other chores that need to be taken care of is the last thing on our minds after a long workday. So we asked renowned Canadian nanny and parenting expert Nanny Robina on what moms can do to manage their time best while accommodating the whole family’s needs.

Q: What do working moms generally struggle with most?

A: As a parenting expert/nanny I am often called into clients homes to help with a parenting challenge they be experiencing.  It became apparent on more than one occasion that even today’s stay-at-home moms were not able to keep on top of things.  I would see dirty floors piles of laundry and dirty dishes.

Q: You have done numerous seminars with moms to tackle day-to-day challenges, what tips can you offer working South Asian moms who want to be effective in their time management?

A: I came up with the idea for a work shop that would help both stay at home moms and working moms.  Let me introduce you to the mommy management work shop. My years as a nanny had taught me to multitask and the need to get things done fast!  With three kids, a house work, cooking and laundry, I had to learn how to manage both my time and organize my day so that I could have a productive day and still have quality time with my charges.  I would start work at 7am by 8.30 I had cleaned up the kitchen gotten the kids dressed, gotten breakfast over with and semi-prepared dinner. I’d also thrown a laundry load in the machine and then it was off to hit play group and have fun!

Here are 7 tips for a saving time:

1)      Try to spend at least 2 hours on a Sunday preparing meals for the week ahead. Freeze bags of rice and pasta and you have the staple ready for meal time.

2)      Make sandwiches for the week and freeze, yes 2 slices of bread and butter and a few slices of deli meat tuna and cheese will freeze well. Just take them out the day you need them. (do not freeze salad with them,  lettuce and most salad add items will just go limp)

3)      Use a slow cooker while you’re doing chores: Throw in chicken thighs, a can of tomatoes and a can of cut up pineapple; add a tea spoon of curry powder and dinner is now prepped in about 10 mins.  It can cook while you continue your chores.

4)      While the kids are in the bath, as long as you can supervise them and they are in eye shot, clean the rest of the bathroom. Wipe down the counter tap and clean the wash basin.

5)      Prepare the kids clothes in the order they need them. Put each clothes pile together for the week. Pants shirt underwear and socks x5.

6)       Set the table the night before for breakfast the next day then all you have to do is add the cereal and toast.

7)      Ask for help! You’re not expected to do it all alone, we know!

Robina has been a Nanny and governess for over 20 years.  Robina’s experience caring for children from newborns to teenagers makes her the “Ultimate” nanny  Canadians have been waiting for.  Originally from Britain, she landed in Canada a few years ago.  Prior to that, she cared for children in Britain, Lebanon, USA and Greece.  Her love of both children and travel give her the worldly parenting advice all moms are craving. Robina’s straight talking advice will give parents the tools they need to help raise happy, healthy and respectful children.

Nanny Robina is frequently interviewed by national media to share her expert opinion on understanding and handling babies’ toddlers and young children.  For the last 5 years she has been the parenting expert on the TV show, “The Mom Show” (Slice Network) more recently Parenting expert for City Line TV.  Nanny Robina is also a frequent expert contributor to many national media outlets including:

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