Search Results for: nisha vedi

Lighting the table, Diwali Dishes From our Contributors

By Salima Jivraj @halal_foodie & online at It’s been just over a week since hurricane Sandy hit the East coast of the United States. She hit hard and made her presence known by leaving behind destruction, floods, electrical outages and displaced families.   I don’t celebrate Diwali and was

Masalamommas Guide to Events in NYC

 By Nisha Pawar Vedi @lovelaughmirch & online at Live in NYC? Visiting this fall? check out what the city that never sleep has for you and your family! Diwali – light the night Enjoy an upscale Diwali evening, hosted on one of NYC’s luxury yacht. The night will include

For the Love of Turmeric

Cancer Busting Curry-turmeric Hailed the New Superfood By Nisha Katona @nishakatona and online at Medical research is alight at the moment with the notion that Turmeric, (Curcuma longa), the main curry ingredient, is a cancer busting super food. Turmeric contains a chemical called Curcumin. It is now thought that