

Do you downward dog or do you dance to Bollywood songs in your living room? Our health and lifestyle section won’t just talk about fun ways to stay fit; we’ll also look at the latest research news and opinions on some of the biggest diseases out there that are hitting South Asians including some personal stories of survival. Here you’ll also find sound information on the latest alternative therapy trends and approaches for a healthy lifestyle for both you and your family as well as ways to pamper yourself and tips to live better.

How Marital Therapy Saved My Marriage Before It Even Began

By Sheba Siddiqui  Staff Writer @shebasid & online at I swore I would never get married. I never dreamed of my wedding as a young child, never imagined my ‘knight in shining armor’ and drove my mother crazy with the flat out refusal of any rishta (marriage inquiry) sent my

Mom’s Guide to Visiting the Orthodontist

By Anjum Choudhry Nayyar When your child’s teeth are out of line do  you panic and start looking for which side of the family to blame? Some of the most common problems in kids’ teeth can be overcrowding, over or underbites  and spacing. But deciding when to make that visit

The Postpartum Period…a few things they never mentioned

by Dale Ho As the saying goes…”There are some things better left unsaid,” however in most cases knowing what to expect can help ease some of the fears and anxieties we feel when placed in a situation much like ‘the postpartum period.’ Are certain topics taboo or just too embarrassing